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The Plugged In Show, Episode 167: Plugged In Movie Award Misses (and Granger Smith)


Well. If you’ve been following The Plugged In Show, or this blog, or both, you’re all up to speed on just who we nominated for our illustrious Plugged In Movie Awards. But what about all those movies we didn’t nominate? What nearly made the cut, but just missed it by a whisker?

We’ll tell you about a few of them. And in so doing, we’ll give you just a wee taste over how spirited our conversation got over our nominees—and what our March 7 livestream to decide the winners might look and sound like, too.

And then, we’ll turn our attention to Granger Smith, star of the new Pure Flix film Moonrise. Adam Holz will discuss the singer/songwriter’s move into the realm of movies, as well as unpack a bit about the film itself.

So listen in, if you would, while you tell you what didn’t make it into our Plugged In Movie Awards nominees—but some of us feel like should’ve been.

And you know what? You’re welcome to do the very same thing! Tell us what you think about our conversation, our nominees and movies you think we might’ve missed. Let us know on Facebook, Instagram or via email ([email protected]). And click on the links below to read more about  everything we discussed. 

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Paul Asay

Paul Asay has been part of the Plugged In staff since 2007, watching and reviewing roughly 15 quintillion movies and television shows. He’s written for a number of other publications, too, including Time, The Washington Post and Christianity Today. The author of several books, Paul loves to find spirituality in unexpected places, including popular entertainment, and he loves all things superhero. His vices include James Bond films, Mountain Dew and terrible B-grade movies. He’s married, has two children and a neurotic dog, runs marathons on occasion and hopes to someday own his own tuxedo. Feel free to follow him on Twitter @AsayPaul.

One Response

  1. -So how come you guys didn’t nominate Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in the best film for kids category? I listened to the podcast and you never addressed that.

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