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Plugged In Blog

The Squishy Temptations of Facebook

Ever heard of the “Marshmallow Test?” No, it’s not a s’mores-eating competition (though that might be nice). It’s an experiment that researcher Walter Mischel conducted

Movie Monday: Shrek Forever After

If I made more than $70 million over a weekend, I’d probably be pretty happy about it. When a big, green, 3-D ogre makes that

Good-Bye Jack, and Jack, and Jack

So long, Jack. See ya, Jack. Sayonara … um, Jack. On Sunday and Monday, broadcast television will bid adieu to three landmark television shows, all

Glossing Over Childhood

One of the 12-year-old junior high girls I work with at church has 27 tubes of lip gloss—and counting. I am not kidding. She had

The Human Nature of iHobo

Hobo. This now politically incorrect term—once commonly used to refer to the homeless—hasn’t seen much daylight since back when my grandfather was dropping coins into

Media Names the Babies?

When I was born, the name Meredith was so unusual that people, when they heard it, looked at my mother funny. One older woman scrunched

Movie Monday: Iron Hood

Did you really think that a handful of arrows would be enough to puncture the greatest suit of armor ever? Robin Hood opened this weekend

Jack Jumps Over the Torture Shtick

From the beginning I’ve watched 24. Most of the time it’s been a Plugged In project—to keep tabs on a show that was pushing torture

The Ultimate Rescue Mission

Acknowledging that a popular song, movie or TV show contains an element of “big-T” Truth is not the same as endorsing the entire product. Makes

Miss USA Gone Wild

Once upon a time, the “only” skin  beauty pageant contestants had to show was during the swimsuit competition. I put “only” in quotes, of course,

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


About Us

Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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