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Plugged In Blog

Media and the Death of Empathy

A new University of Michigan study reveals some unsettling information: “College kids today are about 40% lower in empathy than their counterparts 20 or 30

Movie Monday: Get Him to the Gutter

Are you sure we’ve made it to the summer blockbuster season? You wouldn’t know it by the box-office takes as of late. Shrek Forever After

Teen Pregnancy More … Acceptable?

It seems teenage pregnancy is becoming more acceptable among American youth. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers interviewed more than 2,600 teenagers ages 15

M-E-O-W My Homies

For those who no longer feel that special zing when following the tweets of Justin Bieber or [fill in current celebrity obsession here], the gang

Target Targets Lost Fans

I own three perfectly good smoke detectors, but I wanted to buy another one during the Lost finale. That’s how good Target’s marketing was. The

Movie Tuesday: Prince and the City

Sure, the franchise may be tired. Sure, the newest installment may have been a box-office disappointment. But, in a frame that saw the fewest number

M-Rated Games Through E-Rated Glasses

I recently read a Time article called “A Brief History: Video Game Violence.” And at 298 words, it was brief indeed. In essence, the story

The Trojan Happy Meal

So I’m in the checkout line at Safeway the other day with my almost 4-year-old son, Henry. This is always a touchy moment, because he’s

Flush With Invention

Yeah, the app store is overwhelming. Love that touch screen. It’s an all-in-one picture album, GPS, media archive, game platform and know-it-all gadget that’s assuaged

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


About Us

Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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