Reducing Screen Time: A Surprisingly Simple Strategy
Is it better to quit cold turkey or simply reduce the amount of time spent on your smartphone daily?
Is it better to quit cold turkey or simply reduce the amount of time spent on your smartphone daily?
We live in a world full of competing ideas, opinions and perceptions about what’s what in the world. So how do we form our own opinions? And how does social media influence that process?
Reports show that teens are finding it more and more difficult to focus as TikTok has shortened their attention spans.
Is keeping up with our kids’ social media “know-it-all-ness” even the right goal? How do we protect them? This week, we’ll dive into those questions and more.
Connection, real connection, can’t be done virtually, no matter how good the technology is.
Whether you’re looking for fancy dinners, lovely desserts or just a nice after-school snack, these five online outlets that might help you whip up better meals and bond with your kids a little more.
Horizon Worlds is sort of a virtual place where you can access simple tools to write your own game code or interact in real time with anybody who happens to be there.
The Super Bowl’s advertisements push us to get so much stuff we don’t have. But the event itself—if we squint just a bit—reminds us of what we do.
When it comes to technological change, it’s probably going to keep coming and keep presenting new challenges. But as we focus on our relationships with our kids, it creates a foundation to shape and influence how they respond to the inevitable challenges that arise.
6 ways to effectively help your kids navigate a world in which the apps they and their friends love target them.
Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>