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Plugged In Blog

Movie Monday: Ice Age Drifts to the Front

Wedged between two iconic superheroes, Manny made the most of it. The lumbering mammoth and his motley band of prehistoric pals pulled Ice Age: Continental

Seventeen’s Pledge: Do You Buy It?

Julia Bluhm is one of my heroes. Recently, the 14-year-old took on Seventeen magazine, armed only with an online petition and a passion for seeing

Why Batman Must Die

The Dark Knight Rises lands in theaters on July 20. And already there’s feverish speculation regarding just how high the opening-weekend box office will go—specifically,

A Whole New Dimension (Sort Of)

Sick of wearing dark glasses in a dark theater? Tired of laying out all that extra cash for a 3-D experience that just doesn’t seem

Movie Monday: The Amazing Spider-Man

Fireworks? Barbecues? Baseball? Hey, they were all viable ways to celebrate Independence Day during this weirdly elongated holiday “weekend.” But it seems as though when

Bugged by Spidey?

Will the real Spider-Man please stand up? OK, color me conflicted. I’m a long-time Spider-Fan who, on one hand, really enjoyed the new Andrew Garfield

Here’s to Andy

The actor Andy Griffith passed away this past Tuesday. He was 86. And he will be missed. Now, a lot of people will remember Andy

Not All Heroes Crawl Walls

I woke up in my own home this morning. Incredible. Last Wednesday, I wasn’t sure I had one. It’s been a week since the Waldo

Movie Monday: Ted

Well, it was a good run. For 15 straight weeks, the No. 1 movies in North America had borne a PG-13 rating or lower—many of

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


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Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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