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Movie Monday: Ice Age Drifts to the Front

continental drift.JPGWedged between two iconic superheroes, Manny made the most of it. The lumbering mammoth and his motley band of prehistoric pals pulled Ice Age: Continental Drift into the numero uno slot for the weekend with an estimated $46 million.

OK, so the animated movie was the only film released this week, so it didn’t have a lot of competition. And even with the box office victory, the long-running franchise (Continental Drift is the fourth installment) may be getting a bit long in the tooth. Though it was the fourth animated film to land the No. 1 spot this year, Continental Drift earned less than Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax ($70.2 million), Brave ($66.3 million) and Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted ($60.3 million). It also finished behind the $68 mil that Ice Age: The Meltdown defrosted back in 2006, even though the older film didn’t boast higher-priced 3-D screenings.

Still, a win is a win, and Manny can trumpet his victory for another few days … before a certain bat flaps into theaters.

The Amazing Spider-Man slid to No. 2 with a still-solid $35 million. The weekend helped boost Spidey to a $200.9 million two-week take—enough to make Spider-Man the year’s fifth-most lucrative movie thus far.

Ted, that foul-mouthed plush bear, also showed he’s got the stuff(ing) to hold his own with the big boys. The R-rated comedy earned another $22.1 million, more than doubling the take of fourth-place Brave ($10.7 million). Don’t feel too bad for Pixar’s animated lass, though. Next week, Brave should officially earn its 200 millionth dollar, making it the 10th Pixar flick to cross that hallowed mark.

Meanwhile, Magic Mike danced into fifth with $9 million.