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Plugged In Blog

Test Your Quiz Show IQ

I love quiz shows. Grew up on ’em, really. As a preschooler, I played at my mother’s feet while she watched Jeopardy!. In my teen

Hollywood Needs You

It has long been stated by the really smart heavy thinkers in the know that there are only a certain small number of basic plotlines

This Is No Laughing Matter

Last night I was leafing through Neil Zawacki’s book How to Be a Villain (yes, it was a gift; no, it wasn’t from a disgruntled

A Lasting Footprint

I never met Neil Armstrong. Honestly, I’d have a hard time recognizing him without his spacesuit on. And when he died Saturday at the age

Punk Rebels Face Prison

My grandfather used to say, “If you don’t think, you feel.” He was right. A case in point, the birthday-party parent on America’s Funniest Videos

The Ringtone of the Times

My youngest daughter started college this week. We got a call from her last night, and she gave us the full rundown of her classes:

A Dean of 15-Minute Fame

Back in my art school days I decided to do my hair up (when I had some) like they did it back in the 1950s,

Movie Monday: The Expendables 2

Subtlety? Art? These are not the things a summer movie is typically made of. In the dog days of August, sometimes folks just want to

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


About Us

Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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