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The Plugged In Show, Episode 183: Screens, Teens & Porn, plus The Little Mermaid


What do we do about the perennial problem of pornography in an age of ubiquitous screens and easy access to explicit imagery?

That’s a tough question, but one that many families grapple with. In this episode of The Plugged In Show, we’re going to dive into that conversation with Focus on the Family Vice President of Parenting Dr. Danny Huerta. He’ll join us to talk about practical, philosophical and spiritual considerations we should keep in mind when confronting this often uncomfortable issue.

In our second segment, Paul Asay joins us to give us the lowdown on Disney’s new live-action remake of a beloved story, The Little Mermaid. Does it surface new problems? Or does the story’s compass stay true to the original? Paul will let us know everything you need to know about the Mouse House’s latest foray into remake territory before you snag tickets at the local multiplex.

We’d love to hear what you have to say about both of these segments. What questions or comments do you have about the issue of pornography? On a lighter note, are you going to see the new Little Mermaid? Have you already seen it? You can let us know on Facebook or Instagram, or via email at [email protected].

And we now have another way you can connect with us, too. On The Plugged In Show’s new landing page, look for the sideways black tab on the far right—sidling right next to your scrollbar. You can use that to send us a voice message to tell us what you’re thinking. And we might even use that message on a future episode of the show.

Finally, make sure you follow us on Instagram (@pluggedinteam) to get notifications for our new feature The Plugged In Show Aftercast. Each Monday at 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time, two members of our team will spend some time talking about the weekend box office results, as well as receiving your comments about last week’s Plugged In Show and giving you a preview of the next one. How fun is that?

Adam R. Holz

After serving as an associate editor at NavPress’ Discipleship Journal and consulting editor for Current Thoughts and Trends, Adam now oversees the editing and publishing of Plugged In’s reviews as the site’s director. He and his wife, Jennifer, have three children. In their free time, the Holzes enjoy playing games, a variety of musical instruments, swimming and … watching movies.

4 Responses

  1. -I believe that the most powerful and potent drug on the planet is pornography. I have compassion for those struggling with addiction to this sin. The best thing to do is limit your usage of the internet. We do NOT need to be online every second of every day! There are plenty of things to do that don’t require you to be looking at a screen! Go for a stroll, read a real physical book or call a friend or relative!

    1. -That wouldn’t address print media, and in the bigger picture, I don’t know if the American Psychological Association classifies the overall subject matter as being “powerful and potent” in the same way that your opinion is framing it. Too often some definitions of the subject matter are so broad that even multiple sections of the Bible would be restricted under them. How often have you heard a sermon about the beautiful Song of Songs in church?

      In any case I’m a bit concerned with how very often this subject tends to be coming up in these blog posts, because while it is important, hardly anyone usually tends to interact with this subject matter on this page, so I’m not really sure what the benefit is.

  2. -Hello! I have greatly appreciated your movie reviews for many years being Christian and coming from a moral Christian family who is cautious of the media we take in. I would like to express my disappointment for the new Little Mermaid review. While some basic things were addressed and I agree that Disney didn’t need to do this movie at all, a lot of details were not addressed here that would be important for families to know. For example, it was revealed a while ago that this movie, Ursula played by Melissa McCarthy was inspired by a real life drag queen. Even worse, is the woke background of this film from the beginning and the overall blatant disregard of men in the name of feminism. Eric does nothing to save or help Ariel. She’s self sufficient and saves him/herself three times. I would even bring up that in this film, committed romance and marriage is scrapped because it’s all about Ariel’s freedom and herself in this version and that is straight from the actresses mouth. Not to mention the awful spotty CGI. If I was a parent, I’d want to know all this before showing it to my kids or seeing it myself. We shouldn’t be afraid to point out these harmful toxic themes. No offense whatsoever to the reviewer, but let’s please inform families of the truth. Usually, all your reviews are really good, so you could imagine the disappointment here. Thank you, Plugged In!

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