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Tag: Celebrities


Ms. K. and the 6,000 Selfies

There was a time, back when I was a youth preparing to face the world, when learned sociologists worried about the American masses and our


MTV’s 2016 VMAs: Nothing to See Here

The Monday morning after MTV’s Video Music Awards has often been a cultural watercooler moment in a culture that has fewer and fewer of those


When Celebs Seize the Bully Pulpit

How do you respond when a celebrity accepting an award uses that opportunity to preach a mini-sermon? I don’t know about you, but I immediately


What a Pop Star’s Uber Ride Taught Me

We here at Plugged In have often talked about the unsettling fact that our tech can sometimes consume too much of our attention. But, the


Celebrities’ Hearts Hurt Too

Celebrities are different than the rest of us “normal people,” in pretty much any way you want to define the word different. They’re prettier or


The Idol Boogie of Tussauds

Sometimes I think that we Americans have the impression that our fascination with celebrities is a relatively new thing. Some youngsters out there may believe


When Bono Met Eugene

Rock stars and theologians generally inhabit separate spheres of influence. But every now and then, their orbits intersect in unexpected ways. Such is the case

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


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Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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