Books are just the bee’s knees, ain’t they? Sure, sure, you’ll find a few that come packin’ too much hokum or horsefeathers, but for the most part they’re pretty doggone Jake.
Well, I’ve got a swell old page-turner that your kiddo’ll wanta eat up faster than a cream puff on Sunday. And that’ll be especially true if he or she loves the idea of those old cliffhanger movie serials from way back when.
It’s a book called Daring Darleen: Queen of the Screen, and it’s the real McCoy, let me tell ya. It’s all about a young gal who cut her teeth on movie action and derring-do. Hey, she was out acting in flickers and hangin’ from a balloon 20 feet in the air before most kids made it outta their playpen.
See, now there’s this one time that Darleen was about to do a live studio publicity stunt when some baddies full of too much banana oil mistook her for some rich society Ginger and before ya know it they had grabbed her and … Listen ta me, will ya? I’m tellin ya the story before it even starts.
Why don’t ya check out the Plugged In review, Sport. I got a feeling that some young book-lover at home is gonna wanna give it a look-see.
One Response
-loved the review above. i think i should give it a go.