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Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Adventure, Dystopian, Fantasy, Romance, Suspense/Thriller, Young Adult Fiction
Fourth Wing

Fourth Wing is a hodgepodge of typical teenage dystopian ideas and worldbuilding—but with a lot more adult content.

brutal justice book cover
Adventure, Drama, Dystopian, Futuristic, Science Fiction
A Brutal Justice – Book Two in the Nedé Rising Series

Teen Reina Pierce has to come to grips with secrets she’s learned, and either fight for what’s right or live …

Image of the book cover for "A Gentle Tyranny."
Adventure, Drama, Dystopian, Futuristic, Science Fiction
A Gentle Tyranny – Book One in the Nedé Rising Series

In 2267, a 17-year-old candidate for the next Matriarch of her female-dominated society starts to ask big questions about right …

Greystone Secrets No. 1, The Strangers, book cover.
Adventure, Dystopian, Fantasy, Futuristic, Mystery, Science Fiction, Suspense/Thriller
Greystone Secrets #1: The Strangers

When Mom leaves suddenly on a mysterious business trip, the Greystone siblings discover her secret and try to rescue her …

Cover of Suzanne Collins' book "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes"
Adventure, Coming-of-Age, Drama, Dystopian, Futuristic, Science Fiction
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes revisits the world of Panem 64 years before the events of The Hunger Games, …

THe cover of the book Pet, which shows a young black girl.
Dystopian, Fable, Fantasy

This dystopian fantasy story involves a morally ambiguous creature named Pet, as well as messages about transgender and nonbinary sexuality.

Unravel Me cover
Dystopian, Romance, Science Fiction
Unravel Me — “Shatter Me” Series

As a child, Juliette lived in isolation because her touch kills. Now a young woman, she learns to channel her …

Drama, Dystopian, Suspense/Thriller
The Water Cure

King and Mother subject their girls to cruel rituals and teach them the world is toxic. The parents disappear, and …

Adventure, Dystopian, Science Fiction
The Hadley Academy for the Improbably Gifted — “Hadley Academy” Series

Jack’s life is upended when he learns a prophesy has named him Guardian. He must figure out how to fulfill …

Drama, Dystopian, Suspense/Thriller
Thunderhead—“The Arc of the Scythe Trilogy”

The Thunderhead, a god-like intelligence derived from the world’s computers, seeks to save humanity from destroying itself.

Adventure, Dystopian, Science Fiction
The City of Ember — “The City of Ember” Series

The city of Ember is in danger. Lina finds an ancient letter left by the city’s builders detailing an escape …

Dystopian, Fantasy
Son — “The Giver Quartet” Series

Claire was conditioned to forget her son, but she still remembers.

Dystopian, Futuristic, Science Fiction
Brave New World

In a future world, babies are mass-produced and a drug keeps everyone happy. A stranger from a tribe struggles to …

Drama, Dystopian, Fantasy
The Giver — “The Giver Quartet” Series

Jonas receives the special task of storing memories in his society.

Drama, Dystopian, Science Fiction
Mockingjay — “Hunger Games” Series

Katniss Everdeen is the key piece in the coming rebellion’s success.

Dystopian, Fantasy, Science Fiction
The Immortal Rules — “Blood of Eden” Series

Allie is an unwitting vampire in a plague-ravaged land. She battles enemies and her own bloodlust to help a human …

Coming-of-Age, Dystopian
Island of Silence — “Unwanteds” Series

Alex Stowe has been living in Artimé, and his twin, Aaron, has had a hard time in dystopian Quill. When …

Christian Fiction, Dystopian
The Valley of the Dry Bones — “End Times” Series

Despite the disasters that have decimated California, Zeke and his group stay and minister to the Native American tribes and …

Dystopian, Science Fiction, Suspense/Thriller
The Diabolic – “The Diabolic” Series

Nemesis is a Diabolic, a genetically bred and trained weapon without emotions. But when she poses as a human, she …

Dystopian, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Incarceron — “Incarceron” Series

Finn’s escape from prison is his ultimate hope.

Drama, Dystopian, Suspense/Thriller
Among the Impostors — “Shadow Children” Series

Families are only allowed to have two children, which is why Luke Garner is an illegal child. He is the …

Dystopian, Futuristic, Science Fiction
The Scorch Trials — “The Maze Runner” Series

Thomas must face a new challenge with the Scorch.

Dystopian, Science Fiction, Supernatural Realism
Lies – “Gone” series

Sam faces threats from Zil and his anti-freak gang; Caine and the violent kids from Coates Academy; and his nemesis …

Dystopian, Science Fiction
The Maze Runner Files

This collection of confidential documents and secret scenes provides background information for fans of The Maze Runner series.

Dystopian, Romance
The Heir — “The Selection” Series

Maxon and America found true love during the royal Selection process, and now it’s their daughter, Princess Eadlyn’s, turn. Will …