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Plugged In Blog

Sex Sells? Maybe Not.

We all know the theory: If you wanna make a big blockbuster film these days, you need to throw in some sex, even if the

Avatar: $1 Billion … and Counting

It’s 2010, folks, and lots of us are thrilled to have another blank slate on which to draw. But despite the year being so shiny

The Decade of the Shrinking Celebrity

Remember who was in the celebrity news way back in 1999? The Spice Girls were still strutting their British girl-power stuff. Angelina Jolie was the

Back to the Future?

It’s the end of the year—and the end of the decade. And so, like virtually every other entertainment-oriented writer out there, I’m working up an

Gleeks of the World, Sing!

I can carry a tune in a bucket, but not far. One of my great-grandmothers was an opera singer (without the cool spear and Valkyrie

Movie Monday: Sherlock Holmes

Avatar ruled the box office for the second straight weekend, losing just 3 percent of its opening weekend tally to score $75 million. The film’s

Faith and a Bag of Popcorn

I’ve always loved finding God in unexpected places. I believe signs of His work are all around us, if we take time to look—from the

Christmas Music: Our Faves

Every year, record labels release an avalanche of new Christmas products. It’s a holiday tradition right alongside “batteries not included” and leftover fruitcake. But for

Movie Monday: Avatar

James Cameron’s Avatar cruised to a strong start over the weekend, topping the box office with $73 million. Granted, the take was on the low

Muppets, Messages and ‘Mama’

Gonzo meets Queen. An odd juxtaposition? Maybe so, but it’s also the latest viral video making the rounds, as the Muppets star in an almost

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


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Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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