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Kennedy Unthank

YouTube Channel Review

The self-described “fast food enthusiast” comes with more data than you’d think.

At least, that was my experience on Sam Reid’s eponymous YouTube channel.

The channel, which also goes by the name The Studio Revue, isn’t all fast food, to be clear. But most of what Reid does revolves in some way around food, whether it be fast, slow or cooked at home.

For instance, Reid travels the country looking for the best wings in each state. He eats nothing but the same restaurant for long periods of time. And he takes on food-based challenges (such as eating a dozen of donuts in the middle of a five-mile run in the “Krispy Kreme Challenge”). And when he’s not eating food, he’s traveling to interesting places around the United States.

And with most videos comes research. You see, Reid isn’t just eating food for the sake of it. Much of the time, he’s trying to glean what the best deal is for your money—or how the food may affect your health. And as he tabulates the numbers, he’ll provide that information to back up his claims.

Note: Sam Reid was requested by a user of Plugged In. Have a YouTube channel you’d like us to review? Submit your request by sending it to [email protected], or contact us via Facebook or Instagram so we can check it out!


Reid compares a lot of food-based experiences on his channel. For instance, he rates various airport lounges on their quality and food selection, and he ranks hotels based on their free breakfasts. When he does these types of videos, he makes sure to factor in components that may affect the experience beyond taste, such as cost, healthy alternatives and general variety.

Reid likewise performed a documentary-like experiment wherein he ate nothing but Taco Bell for 30 days to test how it would affect his health. He then provided the results in the video description for anyone desiring to read them. Reid’s documentary kept his viewers aware of his health throughout the video and included health checkups to make sure he remained safe.

And in similar videos that might cause health issues, Reid warns his audience about the risk.

Reid frequently mentions matching money used to make his videos and donating the match to charities like Feeding America. Finally, his videos come with high-quality editing for a channel of its relatively small size.


Reid plays one video which contains actor Hugh Jackman saying “crap.” Someone else in a video misuses God’s name once.


Sam Reid seeks to be a “feel-good variety show about food, travel, and the questions you didn’t know you had.” And considering how little negative content the channel has, we’d say that Reid has succeeded in that feel-good goal.

Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”

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