Twenty-four-year-old Logan Paul is an amateur boxer, podcast host, occasional actor and, of course, a YouTube star.
Born and raised near Cleveland, Ohio, Paul began his video career by regularly posting Vines (short videos on a now-defunct outlet) back in 2013 while attending Ohio University. In 2014 he dropped out of college at the age of 19 and moved to Los Angeles, hoping to make a name for himself. When Vine was discontinued, Paul began his YouTube channel in 2015, and in five short years he has amassed more 22-million subscribers.
Now, things are quite different. Paul has has collaborated with big names such as Disney, Pepsi, Best Buy, HBO, Hurley, Ritz, Hanes and many more. He also has his own merch line, called Maverick, as well as millions of fans and followers known as Logangers and Maverick Club Members.
But while Paul has obvisouly found monumental success, it hasn’t come without its fair share of controversy. He’s been accused of wild, innapropriate behavior as well as insensitivity over a circulated suicide video depicting the corpse of a man in Japan (which has now been deleted). He’s also received backlash from LGBTQ organizations and PETA.
Why? Well, because it’s impossible to know what Logan Paul will post. Some videos are geniunely funny and show the sweet, empathtic side of Paul as he cares for others and gives generously. Still, others showcase immaturity, profane language, blurred nudity and dangerous pranks.
For all of his antics, Paul actually has some genuinely kind moments in his videos (of course mixed with all the content concerns below). He gives his money away generously and helps those in need. He volunteers at a center for children, taking time to play with the kids and encouraging them.
Paul also tells his fans to never lose hope and to work hard; he expresses the importance of dreaming big and not allowing others to bring you down. He can be protective, warmhearted and funny.
In one video, Paul asks his girlfriend if he can paint her while nude. She agrees (throwing a towel at his face) and he watches her while commenting on her naked body and talking in detail about sex. Paul also discusses his girlfriend’s body with his friends as they all admit they’ve seen her partially naked. Paul and others talk about male genitalia, the female body and oral sex. Paul goes shirtless.
Paul punches a Barbie and calls it a “b–ch.” A group of young kids hit and punch Paul as he swears profusely. Paul smashes musical instruments and other things as well as he performs questionable stunts.
God’s name is misused. The f-word is used liberally and often bleeped out (although not always). This also goes for other harsh profanities like “s—, “d–n,” “h—,” “a–” and “b–ch.” Paul also swears in front of children as they repeat his words.
Famous YouTuber Logan Paul’s videos can be both inspiring and deeply problematic.
Note: Plugged In’s YouTube channel reviews are not exhaustive summaries of everything viewers will find, but a representative sample of recent videos to give you a sense of the kinds of things you might expect to see.
Kristin Smith joined the Plugged In team in 2017. Formerly a Spanish and English teacher, Kristin loves reading literature and eating authentic Mexican tacos. She and her husband, Eddy, love raising their children Judah and Selah. Kristin also has a deep affection for coffee, music, her dog (Cali) and cat (Aslan).
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