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Tag: Trends


Culture Clips: The Post-Truth Edition

We live in a post-truth world. Or, at least, so says the Oxford English Dictionary. The hallowed caretaker of the King’s English dubbed the phrase


The Dating App Conundrum

Ever stop to think a bit about dating apps? The truth is, you don’t have to be using them to see that they’re having a


Ms. K. and the 6,000 Selfies

There was a time, back when I was a youth preparing to face the world, when learned sociologists worried about the American masses and our


Tapping the Christian Movie Marketplace

What do Christians want from Christian movies? It’s a question that Hollywood just doesn’t quite know how to answer just yet. When The Passion of the


Selfie Elbow, Everyone Has It’

There’s tech pain flaring up everywhere. And I’m not talking about the agnsty pain of not having the latest tech. I’m talking about the actual

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


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Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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