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Tag: News


Forgiving Bieber

A little over a year ago, Adam Holz wrote a blog post (“Judging Justin“) that unfolded the paradox that is pop star Justin Bieber. Fresh


Art & Culture: Personalizing Politics

Plugged In has often said that the entertainment we engage and indulge in has the power to mold how we see and think about the


When Demons Go Viral

At play practice one night when I was a high schooler in the late ’80s, some friends broke out a Ouija board. Though I’d grown

Yeezus and Me

Kanye West has never been known for his modesty. The talented rapper, perhaps as well known for his awards-ceremony interruptions as for his considerable artistry,

Superior Minded Dove

A few years ago I hit you with a short blog about a new Dove ad that wasn’t really so much a commercial as a


Music Videos Shape Teens’ Values

MTV doesn’t focus much on music these days. But the medium that the cable channel helped pioneer back in the 1980s, the music video, continues


A Tweet Birthday Message

Twitter can be mean. It can be nasty. But sometimes it can be the little ray of sunshine that I imagine its creators always hoped


The Pope Talks Media Influence on Families

Technology can be a great boon to communication. But it can also be an isolating influence too, something that keeps families from talking instead of

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


About Us

Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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