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Tag: Family


The Grandparent Factor

When my wife and I were shopping for a new home before the birth of our third child, one factor influenced our choice of neighborhoods


In Pain? Play a Game

Can video games help children cope with pain? Many scientists say so. And they say the therapeutic effect may work on two levels. First, video


Moving Sesame Street … to HBO

When I was a youngster watching Sesame Street, I always knew that it had its sponsors: Two letters and a number. “Sesame Street is brought


The E-Laugh’s on You

I got a text from my twentysomething daughter the other day that responded to a message I had sent with a “hahaha.” And being at

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

The smartphone’s ascent from novelty to convenience to necessity has been swift. And as these handy little Dick Tracy-like devices have graduated to the latter


The Terrible Tubes

Grayson Dobra was about to turn 2. His mother, L’erin, wanted to throw him a party he’d never forget (or, at least not for for a day


Getting Real (Fictionally, of Course)

Comedian Jim Gaffigan recently launched his very own sitcom titled, perhaps a bit uncreatively, The Jim Gaffigan Show. It’s on TV Land, and the show’s


Why, Back When I Was Young …

We are awash in many, many screens. Tiny ones and pretty big ones, twirling-swirling-thingamajig ones. … All right, I’m no Dr. Suess, but you get


The Screen-Time Battle Begins With You

How do we set and keep reasonable and appropriate screen-time limits for our children? With the proliferation of screens everywhere—largely due to the explosion of

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


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Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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