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Category: Music


Culture Clips: The Kanye by Kanye West Edition

For years, faith-based films have been largely ignored in the secular entertainment establishment. They never— I’ma let you finish, faith-based film guy. But first, we

The Clanging Cringiness of

We’ve all heard about Facebook and Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Certain apps and social media platforms are as ubiquitous as, well, the smartphone you’re probably


Spotify vs R. Kelly

So Spotify just did a thing. According to their new public hate content and hateful conduct policy, they’ve chosen to take R. Kelly’s music off


The #MeToo Movement and Women In Rap

My first job was as a high school teacher in inner-city Philadelphia. Fresh out of college, I was eager to teach and dying to make


American Idol Goes Back to the Future

American Idol is back. On a new network (ABC), and sporting three new celebrity judges (Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan). That’s a quick


R.I.P. CDs

I bought a CD last night. (Rock guitar instrumentalist Joe Satriani’s latest release, if you must know. But I digress already.) I bought it because

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


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Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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