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Plugged In Blog

The End of the Best Friend?

I wasn’t a very happy kid. I was intense. Moody. Liked things my way. Got mad—really mad—when things didn’t go my way. God must have

Movie Monday: Inception

It was a dream of a weekend for Leonardo DiCaprio and director Christopher Nolan. Their project Inception, in which a team of thought-thieves pilfer corporate

Simple Pleasures Revisited

I wonder, sometimes, what the future holds for non-digital entertainment. And an unlikely event raised that question for me earlier this week. My parents moved

Park Well, My Brother

NEW TECH ALERT—woo-woo-woo In case you haven’t heard, Google has created a new Android app for all you frustrated city folk who endlessly round the

Of Faith and Facebook

Are teens rejecting faith for Facebook? The folks over at the Barna Group suggest that something like that may be happening. Barna has been studying

Barefoot and Busted

You tell me. The world doesn’t make much sense anymore, and I need some guidance: Is Colton Harris-Moore a role model? Until his capture in

Movie Monday: Despicable Me

Dastardly Gru may have struggled in his quest to become the world’s No. 1 supervillian. But he had no trouble at all propelling his film,

Your Tweet is My Command

Did you hear about David Perez and his recent adventure? If not, let me fill you in. This 29-year-old advertising guy wanted to attend a

The Descent of a Barcalounger

After a long week (and it was only Tuesday), I was tired enough to get under the covers and curl up with a cat before

The Water We Swim In

Culture, it’s said, is like an ocean. And we are the fish swimming there. For the most part, we’re not really aware of the water

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


About Us

Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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