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Kennedy Unthank

YouTube Channel Review

There’s a chance you’ve seen Imane Anys, better known by her YouTube channel,  Pokimane, without even knowing it. That’s because she, along with a handful of other prominent streamers, had a cameo in the 2019 movie Free Guy—reacting to Guy’s gradual growth into sentience.

I’d speculate that many video game fans who recognized her in that film also follow Anys on Twitch. After all, as of late 2024, she’s the most-watched female Twitch streamer (and 13th overall), with more than nine million followers. And while she got her start with League of Legends, Anys also found fame playing Fortnite, the latter of which still dominates her most-viewed videos on her YouTube channel.

These days, however, most of the recent videos on the channel are vlogs, from traveling to Japan on vacation to moving into a new home.


In many of her Fortnite videos, Anys joins with random people and helps them to win a match. If they have a bad game, she’ll usually stick around for another round, especially if the person she’s playing with is friendly and a fan.

In other videos, Anys discusses life events and provides comfort to those going through similar things. For instance, when describing going through a breakup, she helps viewers understand how to overcome the pain that comes with romantic heartbreak. She also discusses cutting back on making content due to the emotional toll being a “content machine” took on her life.


A few videos on Pokimane showcase the harassment she Anys gets for being a female streamer. In these videos, Anys reads through some comments she’s received while determining if the commenter should be permanently banned or forgiven; many commenters sexually harass her, referencing sex, masturbation and inappropriate requests regarding her body.

General sexual content appears on the channel, too, such as when Anys uses an eye tracker to see if she can avoid looking at men and women in revealing outfits—a video which includes women in bras and small bikinis and men in wrestling garb that hides little. We hear occasional suggestive banter, too.

In one joke, Anys depicts Jesus and God the Father discussing an inappropriate comment she’s received, and she imagines them using use crude language while talking about it.

Anys uses the f-word and s-word. We also heard vulgarities such as “a–,” “b–ch,” “h—” and “p-ss.” God’s name is used in vain, and Jesus’ name is likewise used in vain, too.


Anyscomes across as very friendly to the strangers she gets partnered with in online shooters. But despite that kindness, viewers will encounter many adult topics on the channel, from crude language to sexual references. So while games like Fortnite might attract a younger fanbase, Anys’ YouTube channel won’t be appropriate for those same children.

Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”

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