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Nick DiGiovanni


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Kennedy Unthank

YouTube Channel Review

Sometimes, losing results in more than winning does.

Just ask Nick DiGiovanni, who finished third in the 10th season of the reality cooking show MasterChef. He, along with the two other contestants, were informed that one of them would be eliminated based on the entrée they prepared, while the other two would continue on to show off their respective dessert dishes.

DiGiovanni never got to create that dessert on TV. So he took to YouTube to post a video of himself creating that would-be treat. As isolation during COVID boosted the popularity of apps like YouTube and TikTok, DiGiovanni began posting more and more content online.

Now, DiGiovanni’s YouTube channel boasts a whopping 15 million subscribers, and he’s intent on his goal to surpass Gordon Ramsay’s (mainstay judge on MasterChef) channel in followers.

But make no mistake: It’s not DiGiovanni’s time on MasterChef that’s propelled this popularity. Instead, it’s the food and personality he showcases on his channel. And whether you’re a seasoned chef, or your skills in the culinary world are a bit raw, you might just feel right at home in DiGiovanni’s kitchen.


DiGiovanni talks viewers through his recipes as he prepares them, providing both measurements as well as explanations of what effect his cooking methods will have on the final dish. Likewise, he warns about the negative results that may occur when using improper techniques.

A number of DiGiovanni’s videos also teach his audience how to do specific kitchen-based tasks, including cooking various types of steak as well as cooking essentials like chopping or plating.

DiGiovanni collaborates with many other famous YouTubers and celebrities, challenging himself with their suggestions and providing his audience with other viewpoints. In one video where DiGiovanni rates the food-based products of other YouTubers, he gives honest assessments about the quality of what he’s evaluating, rather than simply giving a good review just to maintain a relationship.


We hear God’s name taken in vain and Jesus used as an expletive. Likewise, we occasionally hear “d–n.” Heavier profanities, such as  the f- and s-words, are censored.

Some videos contain the occasional sexual quip or reference, such as pixelated blurring to make a nonsexual thing appear as crude.


Nick DiGiovanni is a bit like cooking in a kitchen. You’ll find a lot of tasty treats and recipes that you may want to use to impress your family (or maybe just your own taste buds).

But just like a real kitchen, there are a couple things you’ll need to exercise caution about here: namely, the occasional swearing and sexual joke.

In other words, you may walk away with something delicious, but be careful that you don’t get burned in the process.

Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”

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