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Kennedy Unthank

YouTube Channel Review

Across the country, programmers participate in competitions known as game jams. The task? Create a video game from scratch (typically based around a pre-set theme) within a limited amount of time.

On their channel Blackthornprod, brothers Noa and Liam Calice host something akin to a game jam.

The two brothers are passionate about game development. In fact, the majority of their channel’s videos teach viewers how they might go about it—from getting started to solving specific coding problems.

More recently, however, they’ve organized their own game-jam-like contests, bringing in other game developers to participate. And when these developers aren’t competing against each other like they would if it were a standard game jam, they’re working together.

The latter works like this: The brothers will pass along a game concept through a line of developers. Each developer, one-by-one and without communicating with one another, will build upon the previous developer’s work as they (hopefully) build the game into something engaging and fun. And after the game has passed through five or six developers, they’ll come together to play the game and offer their feedback on how the game turned out.


Blackthornprod, as mentioned before, provides some helpful advice for current or aspiring game developers on how they might spruce up their game. From creating a satisfying player character to coding dialogue, the channel has plenty of free videos that’ll help train viewers.

Though the occasional developer might feel a little upset if one of those latter developers later changed one of their earlier contributions, the collaborations hosted on Blackthornprod are generally quite friendly. Developers will often compliment each other on their creations or progress. Likewise, many developers will respect the decisions of previous developers and strive to keep them in the game, even if it means altering the game or tweaking some assets to fit them in.

Blackthornprod may create a spark for game design for viewers, too. And even if it doesn’t, the process of their creations is fun to watch.


A couple of the developers have used crude language, such as “h—.” God’s name is occasionally used in vain.

Some game concepts are based around elements of horror or the supernatural. Demonic or magical creatures appear in some of the games. Likewise, some games end up containing some blood and violence.

In one video, Noa references some artwork he’s been working on, and we see a couple portraits of naked women.


Who knows? Maybe, one day, a game that first appeared on Blackthornprod just may also show up in our section for video game reviews. Or maybe the channel will be the spark to make your child start creating their own.

Apart from some infrequent language concerns and a couple questionable game concepts, Blackthornprod is relatively innocent. Its more recent videos feel like an online game show (no pun intended)—one that both entertains and instructs its viewers in the process that goes into game design. And while not every game ultimately works out by the end, viewers can still walk away with that added knowledge regardless.

Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”