Dark. Moody. Talented. Perhaps those words come to mind when you hear Billie Eilish’s name. But people change, and so do their priorities.
These days, the18-year-old Grammy-winning phenom is busy with happiness. Her latest track, “my future,” is a step in a lyrically positive direction. With vibes of R&B and jazz, this song is all about checking a dysfunctional relationship at the door as Eilish learns to love herself while looking forward to her future.
Eilish recalls a narcissistic relationship she’s left behind (“I’m just a mirror/You check your complexion/To find your reflection’s all alone/I had to go”).
And although she’s left this guy for good, he can’t seem to understand that she’s serious about the breakup and the end of their apparently intimate relationship (“Can’t you hear me?/I’m not comin’ home/Do you understand? I’ve changed my plans”).
Eilish has learned to value herself, independent from a significant other (“Know I’m supposed to be unhappy/Without someone/But aren’t I someone?/…Just wanna get to know myself”)
She’s also forsaking former habits (“But I know better/Than to drive you home”) and choosing to forge a healthier, more positive future (“Cause I, I’m in love/With my future/Can’t wait to meet her”).
Unlike some of Eilish’s former tracks, “my future” holds an optimistic message for young listeners.
Writing this a month into quarantine, Eilish says in an interview with Zane Lowe from Beats1 that this song is, amongst other things, about “personal growth and being content.” And a what a timely message that is for those who struggle to value who they are: Learning to love yourself is a necessary and critical step in creating a brighter future.
Kristin Smith joined the Plugged In team in 2017. Formerly a Spanish and English teacher, Kristin loves reading literature and eating authentic Mexican tacos. She and her husband, Eddy, love raising their children Judah and Selah. Kristin also has a deep affection for coffee, music, her dog (Cali) and cat (Aslan).
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