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Lonely If You Are


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Kristin Smith

Album Review

The last time we heard from Chase Rice, he was strumming his guitar through his fourth studio album, Lions & Lambs. Now he’s back with a popular track called “Lonely If You Are” from his latest effort, The Album Part I.

Rice might enjoy a night out with his friends, but there’s something he’d enjoy far more: a night in, or maybe out, with a special someone.

This song focuses on Rice waiting to receive a text from the woman he’s interested in. And whether that text comes in the middle of the day, after dinner or well into the night, Rice will be there to “love the lonely” out of her.

It Don’t Matter

Rice has no problem with being interrupted (“Kickin’ back with the boys down at Santa’s pub/But don’t hesitate, don’t even think about waiting, nah, just type it up”) as long as that interruption includes a provocative text (“Yeah, I’m ready if you’re ready or wonderin’/Stop thinking, hit send”).

It doesn’t matter if the text comes at some crazy time of the day (“It could be AM or PM/It could be middle of the week or weekend, baby/It ain’t too late or too far”), or if it’s spurred on by too much alcohol (“A little too buzzed, a little too drunk”) or loneliness (“Just call me ‘cause I’m lonely/If you are …”). What’s crystal clear is that Rice is ready, at any moment, to climb into bed with this woman.

Pint-Sized Chase?

For a song that focuses on waiting for a call from a lover, it doesn’t make much sense that the video would feature a bunch of middle schoolers playing the role of roadies and concert hands getting ready for a concert. And one of those kids is the pint-sized version Chase Rice, who of course messages his crush before taking the stage.  

Sort of strange. Sorta cute. But at least there’s no content—unless you’re concerned about kid musicians slamming down juice boxes before the show. And, chances are, most people are listening to this song instead of watching the video. And what they’ll find is a smooth-talkin’ country tune about Rice searching for love—or sex—at any hour of the day.

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Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith joined the Plugged In team in 2017. Formerly a Spanish and English teacher, Kristin loves reading literature and eating authentic Mexican tacos. She and her husband, Eddy, love raising their children Judah and Selah. Kristin also has a deep affection for coffee, music, her dog (Cali) and cat (Aslan).

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