This Bishop T.D. Jakes-produced comedy has some serious lessons to share about love and marriage and relationships—alongside a few sex …

It’s history in the making … for the second time … but not really: Robert De Niro and Al Pacino …

Cameron Diaz teaches all the wrong lessons in this crass cinematic class. The results earn a big, fat F.

President Evans must select a new Vice President after his right-hand man dies. Evans’ selection, Senator Laine Hanson, must then …

The claws come out as best friends Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway frantically fight over who gets a perfect June …

Tom Hanks steps into the well-worn shoes of a down-on-his-luck fiftysomething everyman who suddenly finds himself divorced, unemployed and longing …

Didn’t truth, justice and the American Way go out of style back in ’68? And yet here’s Captain America showing …

The guys who’ve already tormented moviegoers with ‘Date Movie’ and ‘Epic Movie’ are now deliberately making things worse by releasing …

Place the emphasis on the first two words in that title, then add an asterisk to the third. Now you’re …

Tracy Flick is an overachiever who has waited her whole life to run for student body president.

In this humorous, warm-hearted drama, two eccentric old brothers in rural, 1950s Texas keep sacks of money hidden in their …

George Clooney takes on America’s political system with a riveting but ribald political thriller. Note: The nod to Shakespeare is …

A self-focused high schooler gets a major life change when her family goes broke and they move to the country. …

Dropping a cherry bomb in your toilet may not kill you. But it’s guaranteed to make a massive mess.

Is the fourth time the charm for the long-in-the-tooth Mission: Impossible movies? With Pixar vet Brad Bird at the helm, …

The story is split between live action and animation. Bill Murray’s slovenly Frank serves as the host for the war …

The Ya-Yas will do whatever it takes to force mother and daughter to face each other — and their mutually …

Jack Ryan’s back. This time it’s 1992 and rogue fascists want to spark a full-scale nuclear exchange between the U.S. …

“This [movie] has such heart,” says star Kelly Preston. “It’s got such a great tenderness and such a great message.” …

George Lucas’ latest and, he says, last passion project uses old-school Hollywood “corn” (his word) to tell the deeply inspiring …

They say all’s fair in love and war. But what about a war of love that can’t stop hitting below …

Mandy Moore is back onscreen as a rebellious First Daughter who wants freedom from lame living … which in her …

The story is about an aspiring flight attendant. But when exactly does it take place? That was the only question …

Bully has generated plenty of publicity in the ongoing battle over what it should be rated. But there’s a lot …

English teachers across the country are going to want to show their students this updated literary fave. But star Angelina …