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Contributor: Christopher Lyon

War of the Worlds

Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise retell the classic H.G. Wells tale in a scary, eye-popping aliens-attack adventure.

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Diary of a Mad Black Woman

Writer/performer Tyler Perry adapts his hit play into a frenetically comedic drama about a woman abandoned by her husband after 18 years of marriage.

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This visually playful, sweet-natured (spiritually skewed) story is about little kids and big money in Britain.

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Basic Instinct 2

If your instincts are basically telling you to avoid this Sharon Stone sex thriller, you should thank them.

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Alone in the Dark

A popular video game becomes an ultra-violent, incomprehensible and instantly forgettable movie starring Christian Slater and Tara Reid.

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American Dreamz

Hugh Grant, Dennis Quaid and Mandy Moore seek to skewer ‘American Idol,’ President Bush, and our endless global appetite for fame, fortune and shallow entertainment.

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The Heart of the Game

Ward Serrill’s documentary follows a Seattle high school girls’ basketball team over the course of six seasons. Among the many players, coaches and parents introduced, three rise to the surface.

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Wedding Crashers

Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn crash weddings to trick romantically vulnerable women into having sex with them. Does that sound like a party you want to RSVP for?

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Akeelah and the Bee

In warm family story, an 11-year-old spelling phenom from a rough neighborhood is lifted by hard work and a supportive community to compete in the national spelling bee.

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The director of ‘Monster’s Ball’ and ‘Finding Neverland’ tells a trippy, sad, disorienting story about life, death and the sometimes complex series of thoughts and actions that lies in between.

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Be Cool

A decade later, John Travolta returns as former mob collector Chili Palmer in this tepid, trashy sequel to ‘Get Shorty.’

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Superman Returns

The Man of Steel is back in a dazzlingly new old-fashioned hero tale that trumpets its connections to the greatest story ever told.

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Déjà Vu

Denzel Washington stars in a sci-fi actioner that also wants to be a ripped-from-the-headlines terrorist flick, a time-travel love story and an FBI thriller.

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The Prestige

Christopher Nolan proffers a tricky tale of two rival illusionists who commit themselves to topping and sabotaging each other in turn-of-the-last-century London.

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The Good Shepherd

The history of the CIA is told in the life of Edward Wilson, an absolute patriot whose commitment and secrecy make him a perfect spy—and a dismal husband and father.

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