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Raiders From the Sea — “Viking Quest” Series


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Plugged In

Book Review

“Raiders From the Sea” by Lois Walfrid Johnson has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. It is the first book in the “Viking Quest” series.

Plot Summary

Briana O’Toole (Bree) felt that her life was going to change on her 13th birthday. What she did not realize is how drastically this change would be for herself and her whole village. Viking marauders kidnap her and her brother, Devin, and take them to their Viking ship. Both children must figure out how to fight for their freedom, while still trusting that God knows what is happening and has a plan for their lives.

Christian Beliefs

God’s provision and faithfulness is the main theme. As Bree and Devin encounter life-changing circumstances, they are constantly reminded of God’s provision. He is still there for them and wants to lead them. God leads Bree to a place of forgiveness for the Vikings who have taken her away from all that she knows and loves. Because Bree is willing to forgive, God works through her to perform a miracle for her fellow prisoners and the Vikings. This shows the Vikings how powerful the One True God is.

Other Belief Systems

During a serious storm, Mikkel, Hauk and the rest of the Vikings call out to their god, Thor. They wonder why he is upset with them, and they offer to throw the prisoners overboard to appease him.

Authority Roles

Devin and Bree have respect for their parents and Brother Cronan who is their teacher. Their parents are God-fearing adults who do their best to raise their children as God wants them to. Brother Cronan does his best to teach the children a love of the Scriptures. Mikkel, one of the Vikings, shows respect for his mentor, Hauk. Originally he disobeys Hauk’s orders but then tries to make amends by offering Hauk a gift. Mikkel does not want Hauk to be displeased with him.

Profanity & Violence


Sexual Content


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Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book’s review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.

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