Unicorn and Kitty-Corn are best buds who throw a party for one another. But can their friendship withstand feelings of jealousy?
Unicorn and Kitty-Corn are best buds who throw a party for one another. But can their friendship withstand feelings of jealousy?
Believe it or not, there is a feline member of the unicorn family. And her pink, furry and oh-so-cuddly name is Kitty-Corn.
Her best friend? Why, that’s none other than the purple maned best-bud, Unicorn. In fact, they’re such great friends that they decide to throw a party … for each other! And they both make special gifts.
The problem is, as Kitty-Corn starts decorating for the shindig, her friend Puppy has to stick his snuffling, snorting, slobbering and arffing self in the mix. Next thing you know, the decorations are a mess.
And even when Kitty-Corn sternly points out that only unicorns are invited, Puppy runs and tumbles back in with a ridiculous costume. As if an ice-cream-cone on your head would make you authentically “unicorny.”
What’s worse, Unicorn kinda thinks Puppy is funny and cute. And worse yet, he invites Puppy to join the party—along with Parakeet and Gecko! Wasn’t this supposed to be THEIR party? Kitty-Corn wonders. Aren’t THEY supposed to be the bestest of friends?
Just about the time that Puppy tumbles into Kitty-Corn’s present for Unicorn—essentially demolishing all her careful work—Kitty-Corn has reached her red-faced limit!
What will happen now?
Perhaps Unicorn’s gift will make it clear that things like friendship and love aren’t only built in size small.
There is no specific reference, but one could suggest that this Kitty-Corn story reflects the message of Romans 12:15-18. It states that kids should try to get along with everybody. Or as the verse says: “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” And it tells kids that their love for one person doesn’t mean they can’t love other people and things, too.
Well, unicorns are magical creatures that don’t exist … except in a child’s imagination.
Unicorn takes on the role of a level-headed older friend who has learned that he can love a lot of things—like good stories, macaroni and butter and even a great friend like Kitty-Corn—while still having room to spare.
Puppy is rambunctious and destructive.
The unicorn friends snuggle just a bit.
Have you ever been a little jealous that a good friend doesn’t always pay attention to just you? Do you think that is fair? Is it good to have more friends than one? Can lots of people be friends, even if there are a few who are extra special?
And what about awkward or messy friends like Puppy? Should you be kind and caring to them, too?
The Bible talks about something called “grace,” and says it’s like a gift of niceness or kindness that you can give that someone else doesn’t always deserve. Isn’t that something that we can and should give to others? And have there been times when you didn’t deserve forgiveness or grace, but you got it anyway? When?
If you think about it, God gives us the gift of grace all the time. And He shares His very big love, too.
Get free discussion question for books at focusonthefamily.com/magazine/thriving-family-book-discussion-questions.
Book creators Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham have written and illustrated several bestselling “Kitty-Corn” books. And young book-lovers will enjoy the color and sparkle of this latest unicorn-focused addition.
Parents can also celebrate Party Hearty Kitty-Corn’s lessons of friendship, and its encouragements to welcome many different kinds of friends into your group—even the sort that drool, scratch and arf.
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Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not necessarily their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book’s review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.
Review by Bob Hoose
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