Old Mother West Wind by Thorton W. Burgess has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. Many of this author’s other books contain the same characters, but they weren’t considered a book series.
Old Mother West Wind by Thorton W. Burgess has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. Many of this author’s other books contain the same characters, but they weren’t considered a book series.
Old Mother West Wind bundles her children, the Merry Little Breezes, in a bag over her shoulder. During the day, she leaves them to play in the Purple Hills and Green Meadows. The short stories in this collection tell about the antics of the creatures living in Green Meadows.
Sometimes, the Merry Little Breezes prevent the animals from making trouble. Other times, critters like Reddy Fox and Peter Rabbit make mischief by playing tricks. Sammy Jay and Jimmy Skunk steal things that don’t belong to them and get caught. Creatures like Jerry Muskrat, Little Joe Otter and Billy Mink entice their friends to have fun in the water on warm days. The animals learn lessons about vanity, thievery, disobedience, laziness, practical joking and contentment.
Grandfather Frog says frogs once had tails. They were vain and could think of nothing but their beautiful tails, so Mother Nature took them away.
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