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The Legend of Gid the Kid and the Black Bean Bandits — “Heroes of Promise” Series


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Plugged In

Book Review

The Legend of Gid the Kid and the Blakc Bean Bandit by the Miller brothers has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. It is first book in the “Heroes of Promise” series.

Plot Summary

The townspeople of Promise fear the masked Black Bean Bandits, who steal and bring havoc to their town. The White Rider challenges a boy, Gid, to stand up to the bandits and not live in fear.

Christian Beliefs

The White Rider gives Gid and the people of Promise the strength they need to overcome their fears and stand up to the Black Bean Bandits. Like God, the White Rider rides alongside Gid and the people of Promise but is usually not seen by the people of Promise. This cowboy tale recounts many of the same elements as the Bible story about Gideon. The Black Bean Bandits (Midianites) were bullies to the people of Promise (Israelites). During a night fight, the White Rider’s cowboys (God’s army) are seen on the horizon to fight the battle for Gid and his three companions.

Other Belief Systems


Authority Roles

The White Rider is the ultimate authority, and Gid accepts responsibility to lead the townspeople. Gid asks cowboys to leave his posse when the White Rider says he has too many people to beat the bandits.

Profanity & Violence


Sexual Content


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Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book’s review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.

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