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Hot Mess – “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” Series


Age Range



Year Published


Bob Hoose

Book Review

Greg Heffley and his whole crazy family head off to recreate an old family photo at a favorite vacation spot. Let the hot mess begin.

Plot Summary

Each family has its own hierarchy. And in young Greg Heffley’s extended family, all orders come down from his grandmother on his mother’s side.

It’s not a Mafia thing, but Gramma does make the most incredible Italian meatballs ever! And believe it or not, that makes all the difference. Her secret -recipe meatballs rule and could easily keep the whole world in line. Those meatballs alone make Gramma the familial queen bee.

So, when this matronly monarch adjusts her grey hairdo and suggests that what she’d like most for her 75th birthday is a recreated family photo taken at their favorite vacation spot on Ruttyneck Island, Greg’s mom leaps into action. And Greg leaps to the conclusion that this vacation is going to be one of the worst ever.

Greg’s dad is always saying that you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your family. And while that statement generally makes Greg shy away from sharing a bowl of popcorn with him, it certainly rings true: Greg’s extended family of kid cousins and adult relatives are a gaggle of people he’d never choose to be around. But here they are, all headed to a summer vacation together.

Oh, and Mom even booked the same cabin that her family used to stay in. Of course, that was back when Mom and her sisters were just girls. They didn’t have crazy broods of their own. So now it’s like packing a zoo full of wild animals into a medium-sized sauna … and turning up the heat.

In fact, when it comes to Greg’s twin cousins, Malcomb and Malvin, that animal comparison is pretty spot on. In addition, anytime Mom and her sisters are in the same room, an argument is bound to break out. And on top of that, Mom is extra determined to make sure the whole gang spends a lot of “quality family time” together. Arrgh!

As Greg settles into his assigned sleeping spot—on an old sofa that smells like sweat, suntan lotion and feet—he can’t help but think this whole family summer vacation idea is a recipe for disaster.

And it’s all thanks to a recipe for … meatballs.

Ain’t life weird?

Christian Beliefs


Other Belief Systems

No faith-focused things are mentioned, but we hear about plenty of  official “family” rules. For instance, you don’t make it into family photos unless you’re married into the family or a child of those unions. And those rules are strictly enforced.

Anyone who dated one of the sisters (Greg’s aunts) were cut out of all photos after a breakup. Greg’s Aunt Cakey is dating a guy named Vincent right now; he’s outside the family’s communication circles (of course), and he also must jump through a number of expected duties, such as cutting Gramma’s grass.

Greg also mentions that he heard in a class about Greek mythology that some gods get angry when you venture unbidden into their territory. So Greg calls out loudly to Poseidon for safe passage on a ferry ride.

Aunt Audra uses candles to “burn away” any bad energy in a room.

Authority Roles

Hot Mess is all about Greg’s summer vacation and his wackadoodle family members who are sharing it.

Mom and Dad are loving but frazzled.

Aunt Veronica is trying to make a living as a social media influencer. She fails miserably, but her dog, Dazzle, accidentally becomes a star and is followed by over 3 million subscribers. (Veronica treats Dazzle so much like a human that the family must cover mirrors so that Dazzle won’t suspect that she’s actually a dog.)

Aunt Gretchen is mother to the twin cousins, Malcomb and Malvin. But she’s very lackadaisical about discipline and she and Greg’s mom tend to argue about the dangers of kids having phones, using social media and playing video games.

Aunt Cakey and Greg’s mom are caustically complimentary with each other. When they first meet while on vacation, for instance, Cakey says that Mom isn’t as hunched as she usually is, and Mom notes that Cakey’s shirt really complements her gray hairs. (It turns out that Mom stole Cakey’s boyfriend back when they were teens.)

There are enough clashes between the sisters that eventually they have to create a list of “approved” conversation topics during the vacation. They settle on things such as flowers, pets, romance novels and the like.

Profanity & Violence

There’s no profanity in the mix, but we do hear that one of Greg’s cousins writes a “bad word” on a tablecloth and draws a “rude” picture during a family game.

It appears that some of the adults may be drinking wine during a restaurant dinner. There are a few thumping activities afoot such as Greg tumbling about on the beach. The police are called after Greg’s family gets into a massive argument with another family.

It should be noted that, as with most of the Wimpy Kid books, readers will find bits of potty humor sprinkled throughout the book. For example, the family must set up approved bathroom times so they can give everybody in the overpacked household a chance. Greg’s little brother ends up peeing out a window rather than wait. And while Greg is sitting on the toilet, a family member hands something through the window. There are also references to belching and other gas releases. Etc.

Several family secrets also eventually come to light. Some lies and deception are in the mix here.

Sexual Content


Discussion Topics

Do you have any relatives that you don’t always get along with? Why do you think that is?

Psalm 133:1 talks about how “good and pleasing” it is when family members get along. How do you think we can help that happen? Are there choices we can make that create closer bonds with people around us?

Greg’s mom and her sister Cakey have a long-running “grudge” between them. If you were in one of their places, what would you do to help ease that tension? What types of things do you do when you argue with a brother or sister?

Do you pray for your family members? Do you think that makes a difference?

Additional Comments

Author Jeff Kinney looks at Greg Heffley and his family in the appropriately titled Hot Mess. He uses the tale’s hijinks to point to the humor and joy that’s connected to even the most “boring” of families. Despite plenty of bathroom humor, readers will find that Greg Heffley’s kid-lensed perspective keeps things entertaining.

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Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not necessarily their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book’s review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.

Bob Hoose

After spending more than two decades touring, directing, writing and producing for Christian theater and radio (most recently for Adventures in Odyssey, which he still contributes to), Bob joined the Plugged In staff to help us focus more heavily on video games. He is also one of our primary movie reviewers.

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