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Bo and the Witch (Unicorn Diaries #10)


Age Range



Year Published


Bob Hoose

Book Review

Bo and her friends meet a witch named Charm who’s not very good at witchy things, like spells and broom flying. But everyone’s good at something! And the unicorns are determined to help Charm discover her special skills.

Plot Summary

Her name is Rainbow Tinseltail. But, hey, you can call her “Bo.” Bo is pretty much exactly what you might expect of a unicorn with a multicolored mane and a pink ribboned tail: She’s kind, fun-loving, friendly and oh so curious.

Those are all very good traits to have in Sparklegrove Forest, for you never known what sort of magical creatures or persons you might come across.

Today, Bo is keeping her eyes glued to the skies. Why? Because some say this is the time of year when witches—who live high up above the clouds—are learning to fly. And Bo hopes to catch sight of one doing so.

As Bo and some of her friends keep watch, they do indeed spot a witch. But she doesn’t fly so much as … crash into a nearby bush.

Bo and her unicorn buds rush over. But the witch, named Charm, is just fine except for the unfortunate fact that her broom broke. So Bo and the others quickly offer to help her fix it. Charm is so touched by their warm offers of help that she decides to spend the night and then whips up some very yummy baked treats as a thank you.

The next day, however, Bo notices something odd about Charm. After the forest denizens construct a new flying broom and spend a fun day together, Charm is very reluctant to fly away. And it’s not just because they’re all such good friends now, either. There’s something else going on.

Could it be that Charm is afraid of flying? In fact, is it possible that Charm isn’t very good at any typical witchy things, such as creating spells and potions?

Hmmm. Maybe there’s a way that Bo and her other magical pals can help. After all, that’s what friends—even brand-new ones—do.

Christian Beliefs


Other Belief Systems

There is a sense that magic permeates this land full of unicorns, mermaids, dragons and the like. In fact, Charm the witch is seen as just another magical person who abides peacefully in this domain.

On that magical front, we see Charm use empowered ingredients such as a magic feather and fairy dust to create a new broom. She flies about on that broom. And she transforms a pumpkin into a mouse and a banana.

However, the book’s attempt to sweeten the idea of crafting “spells and potions,” and its grouping of witches in with fantasy creatures such as unicorns and mermaids, will be troubling for some parents. The Bible has some very strong warnings about the evils and destructive nature of real-world witchcraft and mediums. (See Chronicles 33:6 and Leviticus 19:31 for examples.)

Authority Roles

Bo mentions very early on that unicorns do not have parents. “Our friends are our family,” she tells us. She also states that “unicorns aren’t born. Instead, we appear on very starry nights.” In light of all that, there aren’t really any “authority figures” in the story. In lieu of such influences, we meet a number of friendly creatures who simply work through their problems collectively.

Friendliness and helpfulness, then, are this story’s main focus. Even when Charm tries flying and crashes into a dragon, the large creature just shrugs off the potential offense and gives her a bit of flying advice.

Profanity & Violence

Charm cries out, “Oh, Flaming Cauldrons!” She also thumps into lagoons, dragons and trees in her attempts to fly.

Sexual Content


Discussion Topics

Bo definitely has trouble with the lessons she was supposed to learn. Have you ever failed at a subject in school or not lived up to someone’s expectations? What is the best way to deal with that failure? What would you say is the best way to get better at something?

Bo and her friends identify some things that they’re not very good at, but they readily point out each other’s strengths. Is it good to say nice things about something that a friend is good at? How do you think those encouragements make your friends feel? Has someone said you’re really good at something?

This book states that Charm is a witch. Are there real witches in the world? How are they different from or similar to Charm? What does the Bible say about witches?

Additional Comments

This children’s series is set in a fantasy world filled with magical creatures. There are currently 11 books in the series. And in Bo and the Witch, the witch named Charm is considered to be just another sweet magical resident. In addition, this book speaks positively about friendship, helping others and working to find the things you’re good at.

All of that said, there are many who will be uncomfortable with the idea of sugarcoating witchcraft in any form. And that’s especially true when it comes to a children’s book such as this one.

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Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not necessarily their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book’s review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.

Bob Hoose

After spending more than two decades touring, directing, writing and producing for Christian theater and radio (most recently for Adventures in Odyssey, which he still contributes to), Bob joined the Plugged In staff to help us focus more heavily on video games. He is also one of our primary movie reviewers.

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