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Episode 261: ‘Wicked’ and the World of Musicals. Plus, Plugged In’s New Tech Guide!


It’s shaping up to be quite a weekend at the local multiplex. I expect I’ll be talking about Gladiator II in this space come Monday, in fact. And Bonhoeffer—a wide-release movie about the famous German pastor and theologian—might squeak in the weekend’s top five, too.

But certainly a lot of families will be most intrigued by Wicked: Part 1, a cinematic adaptation of the record-breaking Broadway musical. We’ll talk about the original musical and use the opportunity to springboard into the subject of musicals themselves. It seems like we’re seeing more of them land on the screen lately. Why? Is there something about musicals themselves that pulls us in?

Emily Tsiao, Bob Hoose and I will bat that subject around. And I promise, I don’t sing at all.

Then Bret Eckelberry and I will talk about a new Plugged In resource that, I hope, will be music to many a parent’s ears: our very own tech-centric Parental Advisory download. The download is filled with facts stats and, most importantly, helpful hints to help you and your family get your screen time and social media under control. Oh, and we’ll help you navigate Plugged In’s and Focus on the Family’s myriad resources on the same topics, as well.

We’ll give you more details in the podcast. But if you want to check out the download yourself, just click here.

That’s enough to make you burst into song yourself, isn’t it? And if it does (or even if you have thoughts you want to share in writing), why don’t you connect with us? Leave us a missive on Facebook or Instagram. Write us an email at [email protected]. Or leave us your own little ditty on our voicemail at The Plugged In Show Homepage.

And then let’s reconvene next week, when we talk about Moana 2 on The Plugged In Show.

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