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‘The Chosen’ Is Coming to The CW. Should We Rejoice?

In Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus tells the parable of the wheat and the tares—the latter being an archaic King James Version word for weeds. In it, He describes how a valuable grain grows side by side with weeds after an enemy sows them among the good seed. Jesus Himself highlights the takeaway from this parable, namely that good and evil will exist side by side until the Day of Judgment.

I thought of that parable when I heard that Dallas Jenkins’ hit show The Chosen would air its first three seasons on The CW, beginning July 16 and ending with the final episode of Season 3 on Christmas Eve.

What a remarkable, and unexpected, turn of events to have this telling of Jesus’ story on the The CW, a broadcast network, sitting side by side with plenty of programs over the years that we’d likely put in the “tares” category. The network that’s brought us edgy teen-focused fare such as Gossip Girl, Riverdale, The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural—and which will air the third season of the bawdy reality series FBoy Island later this year—will for the moment also host series about Jesus’ life.

That said, Jesus often took flack from the Pharisees for hanging out with “sinners” (see Mark 2:15-22). So I suppose it shouldn’t surprise us too much that this story about Him will now be found in, perhaps, in a space we could characterize similarly. (Though I guess that would cast this writer in the garb of a Pharisee myself, right?)

I think there’s actually a lot to unpack in this story, not the least of which is what some of the executives at The CW and Lionsgate (which bought the worldwide distribution rights to the franchise in May) are saying about it.

At the most basic and important level, I think The Chosen’s meandering journey from its app, to YouTube, to multiple streaming platforms, to broadcast television is good news for the Good News. The Chosen’s arrival on The CW will invite, I suspect, many who haven’t heard, seen or known about Dallas Jenkins’ story to engage with it for the first time.

And while The Chosen has occasionally stirred up controversy among some believers for its imaginative, dramatic take on the life of Christ, Jenkins has repeatedly articulated his desire to tell that story faithfully, in a biblically orthodox way. Jenkins wants people to encounter Jesus, to be challenged by His life and light, His embodiment of grace and truth. And whatever qualms some may have about isolated details, I think The Chosen has accomplished that intended purpose admirably. Its presence on The CW expands this series’ ability to reach TV viewers with the gospel, including some who may never have encountered it otherwise.

Digging a bit deeper, I think it’s fascinating that mainstream Hollywood players such as Lionsgate and The CW are embracing Jesus with open arms. Many in the evangelical fold regularly criticize the entertainment industry for pushing stories that are odds with our faith.

But while much of that criticism is well earned, this story reminds us of something else: Even more than pushing a political or social agenda, Hollywood is in the business of making money. The folks at Lionsgate and The CW never would have bothered with Jenkins’ story about Jesus if they didn’t think there was a financial reason to do so. And that tells us that we’re finally seeing Christian stories is beginning to compete on a level playing field with everything else Hollywood is putting out.

 “The Chosen is based on the biggest IP [intellectual property] of all time and is truly a one-of-a-kind series that tells this historically significant story in a captivating, dramatic and premium way,” said Brad Schwartz, president of entertainment for The CW, to Variety. “This show has already connected deeply with viewers around the world, and The CW will expand its audience even further.”

From an industry standpoint, I get what Schwartz is saying. The Bible is the biggest-selling book of all time, according to The Guinness Book of World Records. (They estimate sales in the last 1,500 years at 5 billion, in case you’re wondering about their educated guess here.)

But my immediate response to thinking of Jesus as a franchise was, I think appropriately, disgust. Jesus isn’t IP. He’s the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Son of God, our Savior from sin.

That said, I’m also reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words from Philippians 1:15-18: “Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.”

The CW and Lionsgate aren’t broadcasting and distributing the story of Jesus’ life for spiritually altruistic motives. They think they can make a buck or two off “the biggest IP of all time.” But regardless of their motive, I’m inclined to follow Paul’s lead here and to rejoice that the gospel is being proclaimed in a powerful way on an influential platform. And maybe, just maybe, some of those who go looking for the newest season of FBoy Island will encounter the Good News of Jesus instead.

Adam R. Holz

After serving as an associate editor at NavPress’ Discipleship Journal and consulting editor for Current Thoughts and Trends, Adam now oversees the editing and publishing of Plugged In’s reviews as the site’s director. He and his wife, Jennifer, have three children. In their free time, the Holzes enjoy playing games, a variety of musical instruments, swimming and … watching movies.

47 Responses

    1. -Very well written and thought out. The Lord is on the move in many mysterious ways.

      1. It is a broadcast channel in many U.S. cities that has programming by Warner Brothers and CBS. It tends to try to appeal to teens. In addition to the shows mentioned above, it has had The Flash, Big Bang Theory, Green Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and a new Walker: Texas Ranger.

        Since it is broadcast TV, it makes sense that they’d pick The Chosen, actually, because broadcast TV tries to appeal to older viewers and it still has content restrictions that streaming doesn’t have, making many of the most popular cable series ineligible. CW also likes shows that have a supernatural side, although their shows are mostly confused about spirituality.

  1. -You are absolutely right when you say “Jesus isn’t IP.” He never has been and he never will be. The Bible is in the public domain, so any movie or television studio can make a movie based on any Bible stories they wish without fearing a lawsuit.

    However, I think airing “The Chosen” on the CW is a smart move. The CW is the broadcast network with the highest percentage of watchers in need of salvation. If it was aired on a network that was known to have a mostly Christian audience, it would have led very few people to salvation through Jesus Christ, if any.

    1. -I AGREE 100%!!! I hope and Pray they find Him and feel the release and relief of the darkness as I did. THANK YOU JESUS!! AMEN.

  2. -Hearing the Bible described as IP makes me feel like I need a shower, but it indicates just how far popular entertainment has descended from the level of art to cynical corporate franchise building. I suppose Mr. Schwartz deserves credit for his candor.

    1. -The Chosen is the best version of the true life of Christ that has ever been portrayed, bar none! More realistic, true to human relations & teaching of the ways of the times during that period. It is a grand idea! Wheat among rates & everyone can make their own decision! I have watched seasons 1 & 2 but where can you watch Season 3?

  3. -This is great news! My husband and i have seen the first three seasons and love it! Getting to know each of the disciples as well as Mary of Magdela and Mary, mother of Jesus, has been wonderful! Who could have guessed I would want to adopt the delightful, quirky actor who plays Matthew?!

    1. -You do realize even Dallas Jenkins admitted this show is 95%, not from the Bible. A much better way of getting closer to God is actually reading the Bible.

    2. -The bible also says for us to go out and compel them to come in. Prayerfully many will see this epic series of Jesus and his disciples lives! Because I for one have seen the series and it will truly bless many people to want to know more of the man call Jesus of Nazareth. God bless you!

  4. -For God so loved the world and that includes those who view CW. This article is excellent.

  5. -I am a practicing Catholic who endorses The Chosen because it makes Jesus and his early followers and critics look and act like people would today. I must warm you that the script takes the story into fictional territory often with made up subplots that try to expand on the sentence or two provided on the subject in the New Testament. The episode on the Miracle of the Wedding at Cana, the healing of the paraplegic at the pool of Bethsaida and the healing of the woman with the hemorrhage are prime examples of the additional fictional background story that is brought into the Chosen to make it more interesting and informative. Lastly, viewers should watch it more than once because it’s difficult to catch all the information that is presented during the first viewing, which is like drinking the New Testament out of a fire house when you see it the first time, Our Parish even started a Chosen viewing and discussion group that meets weekly to discuss each episode. The acting is amazing in some scenes and not cheesy like some cheap miniseries. Also, Viewing this miniseries will bring anybody to a place that is closer to God, which is a good thing.

    1. -Yes…absolutely! Watch episode 1 with subtitles if you have to…or skip to episode 3 (Jesus Loves the Little Children), then episode 4 (The Rock on Which it is Built), then go back to episode 1 and watch it in order.

    1. -I believe that IP means “intellectual property ” and CW is a television network station like NBC, CBS, ABC, ect

  6. -I am so happy that The Chosen is going to air on the CW. This show is more than mere entertainment; it’s a look at Jesus and His disciples as human beings, and how we navigate life and its challenges.
    This show has changed my life-for the better, I’m feeling optimistic that with more exposure, many more lives will be uplifted and changed for the better.

  7. -Even though some may criticize The Chosen, it’s message of God’s love and Jesus’ saving grace is that of all Christians. Getting the message out to ” saints and sinners” is the prime reason for the show. Many Blessings to cast, crew, and Dallas Jenkins.

  8. -But the Gospel, Sin and Repentance need to be Preached!! Unbelievers can’t look at this as a movie or entertainment.. I believe The Holy Spirit will move and do wonders!! 🕊🙏

  9. -I am super excited about the Chosen coming on the CW Channel. I will definitely be watching it, as Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Seeing the Chosen is a blessing. Thank you.

  10. -I love this series. More importantly I am profoundly inspired for the better when I watch it and the affects continue. I am amazed and grateful to see the affect this series has on it’s viewers. The proof will be in the pudding. His Word does not return void.

  11. -Thank you so much for sharing this with ALL of us!! I absolutely LOVE watching The Chosen!!!
    I have struggled with Reading Comprehension all of my life and sometimes it is a little difficult to comprehend what I have read!!!
    So when I find movies or something at church that is acted it really inspires me!!! And The Chosen has really taken me like there with Jesus, that’s just how real and most importantly ANOINTED it is!!!
    And please don’t think I’m crazy but what is the CW!?!? Thanks in advance!!
    And thanks to ALL who are making The Chosen possible ✝️❤️🙏🏻✝️

    1. -The CW is a TV network on local channels like ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. It’s available over-the-air and on cable/satellite in most of the U.S.

  12. -I was so touched with this movie.! I watched it all in two sittings! Will it continue soon?

  13. -I am thrilled. I have tried to spread the word about the Chosen. And, for Catholics it is approved by the Church. I don’t care that the CW is doing this for money or ratings. It will impact people and teach them about Jesus’s life or make their faith stronger. 🙏

  14. -This was not just an observation or a piece of writing this was a sermon. Such a beautiful commentary that teaches and preaches whilst commenting.

    Love love the lessons imparted here

  15. -I have one question…. I’m am original investor so hear me out. How is the gospel going forth? I have never heard the gospel message, or Jesus saying He is God, or to repent for the forgiveness of sins, that He is the ONLY way to the Father! I am just wanting the gospel to be preached… that’s all. Thank you

  16. -Through the first three seasons, Jesus is correctly portrayed as a teacher and miracle worker, but not as Savior. The entire crux of this never ending story is the substitutionary death and death defeating resurrection of Jesus the Christ. How The Chosen communicates this Good News is the only thing that matters.

  17. -Are we not going to talk about the pride flag found on set along the inclusivity posts from the actors? I’m all for spreading the gospel to a bigger audience but shouldn’t we make sure that they’re practicing what they’re preaching?

  18. -I am very happy that the CW has taken the leap to show The Chosen on their network. I agree with one of the comments who cares if CW will make money. But the world has forgotten why we really on here and that God loved us so much he sent his only son to show us salvation and light. We are in such a dark place as humanity right now that we need a reminder that we need to bring God back into the world. And if The Chosen brings us back through those actors then I am thankful. God works in mysterious ways even if it is through CW and Dallas.
    Amen I say🙏