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Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Virtual Reality

Riven is back, decked out with pretty new baubles and fresh puzzles. And in several ways, it’s a journey into …

Bonelab VR
Action/Adventure, Arcade/Platform, Puzzle, Virtual Reality

Bonelab is a very popular title in the growing world of VR. But we have a bone or two to …

Role-Playing, Strategy, Virtual Reality

Demeo is a dungeon crawler that keeps the play, and the dungeon denizens, light.

Action/Adventure, Virtual Reality
Marvel’s Iron Man VR

Ever wondered what it’d be like to don Iron Man’s armor? Sony might just make those dreams come true—virtually speaking.

Action/Adventure, Shooter, Virtual Reality

Farpoint is garnering praise for being one of the better examples of a VR shooter. But is that a good …

Virtual Reality
Werewolves Within

This E-rated VR-meets-game-night entry is entertaining, but it could have some potential online teeth, too.