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The Scorpion King


Release Date

Record Label



Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

Christian group P.O.D. advocates demolishing strongholds (spiritual?) and standing tall (“Set It Off”). Flaw’s “Only the Strong” views pain and “life’s unruly lessons” as chances to build character. A line on Creed’s “To Whom It May Concern” apologizes for a loud argument. Breaking Point offers to help an emotionally fragile friend in need of hope (“27”), however . . .

Objectionable Content

It’s the blind leading the blind judging from the line “It doesn’t even matter what the truth is.” Gothic bad-boys Ozzy Osbourne and Rob Zombie team up for “Iron Head,” a cryptic flow of dark imagery. Drowning Pool repeatedly shouts at someone, “I will break you!” (“Break You”). In addition to using a crass expression, Coal Chamber’s “Glow” talk of being “fueled with fire, my killing desire.” The curvaceous actress on the CD cover wears a revealing top. A few violent comic book-style illustrations are found inside the liner notes.

Summary Advisory

Musically, this disc is tenebrous and loud, tailored to the same 14-year-old pro wrestling fans standing in line to see World Wrestling superstar The Rock wage war as The Scorpion King. Many of the soundtrack’s 16 cuts find the artists reeling from lost love or some other deeply felt frustration. What’s upbeat isn’t stellar. What’s problematic isn’t as bad as parents might expect.

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Bob Waliszewski