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Mission: Impossible 2


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Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

Saddened by the dark nature of today’s music, Uncle Kracker asks, “Whatever happened to the feel-good music? . . . Somebody pulled the plug” (“What U Lookin’ At”). Singers long for meaningful relationships (Buckcherry’s “Alone,” Tori Amos’ “Carnival”). Limp Bizkit equates personal bitterness with a societal shift toward hate and wants to know life’s “secret,” however . . .

Objectionable Content

“Take a Look Around” also finds Limp Bizkit using crass slang. A Rob Zombie tirade on “Scum of the Earth” tries to provoke listeners (“I’m bleeding/I’m screaming/Scum of the earth, c’mon/. . . Devil waits with the keys rousting in the midst”). Spiritual confusion inhabits “Karma” (by Diffuser). Selfish ranting and the confession, “I’m not the nicest person that you’ll ever get to know” raise red flags over The Pimps’ cut, “Rocket Science.”

Summary Advisory

Considering the nasty stuff typical of acts such as Limp Bizkit, Metallica, Godsmack and Rob Zombie, the caveats here aren’t nearly what one might expect. No explicit sexuality. No violent threats. No full-bore attacks on Christianity. Still, this mostly neutral soundtrack’s spotty positive elements aren’t strong enough to offset the problems that do exist. Best to Cruise past this one.

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Bob Waliszewski