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Release Date

Record Label



Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

Michael Penn admires a woman for being polite (“Macy Day Parade”). A few cuts are lyrically neutral or instrumental.

Objectionable Content

Supported by the familiar guitar riffs of Jimmy Page, Puff Daddy calls women “hos,” makes violent threats, and spouts profanities and obscenities (“Come With Me”). Silverchair’s Daniel Johns repeats, “All I can think of are ways to die alone” on “Untitled.”With “Brain Stew,”punkers Green Day refer to being “f—ed up and spun out,”presumably on drugs. The f-word also appears on “No Shelter,” a Rage Against the Machine tune that preaches the band’s typical anger and anarchy. Joey Deluxe’s “Undercover” would seem more at home on a James Bond soundtrack with its glorification of alcohol and casual sex (“Ingratiate, inebriate, infatuate your next engenue/Till she’s endeared at the loins . . . Few are those who can resist the lure of wealth and sex/So wrap it up in your trench coat, baby, and pray it protects”).

Summary Advisory

Aside from being a musical monstrosity, this warning label-worthy project has very little in common with the big green lizard. The Los Angeles Times called Godzilla “a coherent and enjoyable album.” Don’t buy it!

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Bob Waliszewski

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