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Where Your Road Leads


Release Date

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Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

Yearwood pledges to one-up her fella in acts of love and sacrifice (“I’ll Still Love You More”). The title cut (a duet with Garth Brooks) espouses a belief in miracles, fidelity and life-long marriage. Yearwood tells her gift-giving man, “Throw your presents in the creek” because all she really needs is his sincere love (“Bring Me All Your Lovin'”). A number of tracks deal honestly with relational issues, such as struggling to keep love alive (“I Don’t Want to Be the One”), confronting unfaithfulness (“That Ain’t the Way I Heard It”)and coping with abandonment (“Heart Like a Sad Song”).

Objectionable Content

One mild profanity appears on the rather hopeless lamentation “Love Wouldn’t Lie to Me.” A line on “Powerful Thing” finds prospective lovers squelching common sense to follow feelings.

Summary Advisory

Lots of countrified passion. With two minor exceptions, Yearwood’s robust, often intimate Road is worth taking.

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Bob Waliszewski

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