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The Last Temptation


Release Date

Record Label



Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

Teens are encouraged to identify evil in the form of drugs (“Bad Place Alone”) and sex (“You’re My Temptation”), and resist its seductive tendrils. “Lullaby” examines the consequences of sin. “Unholy War” reveals the nature of spiritual battle. Grace and redemption take the fore on “It’s Me” and “Cleansed By Fire.”

Objectionable Content

None, though some lines could be misunderstood apart from the disc’s overall theme.

Summary Advisory

This concept album is best reviewed as the sum of its musical parts. Ten songs combine to spin the tale of a sideshow devil trying to lure a bored teen into sex, drugs and crime. The macabre makeup may remain, but this ’70s shock-rocker has changed his tune. Temptation is a spiritually charged rock-opera climaxing with a Christ-centered victory over Satan (“What about truth/What about life/What about glory/What about Christ/What about peace/What about love/What about faith in God above”). A positive shock from AC.

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Bob Waliszewski