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YBS Youngbloods


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Kennedy Unthank

YouTube Channel Review

If you go to the comments for videos made by YBS Youngbloods, you very well may find people comparing the channel’s creator to Steve Irwin.

That creator is Brodie Moss, an Australian whose videos showcase him exploring the waters near Exmouth in Western Australia. And while videos primarily involve Moss fishing, swimming and living off of the ocean, others see him exploring various islands and commenting on the many creatures he comes across.

Of course, he’s not always out there alone—or else the channel might simply be called Youngblood. Friends and family often join Moss on his excursions, enjoying the sun and water—and feasting on the fish he’s caught that day, too.


When Moss hunts animals, he doesn’t always capture them to cook later. For instance, when he realizes that he’s caught a pregnant female lobster, he places her back in the water so as to not disrupt that process. Likewise, he does the same with a crab after telling his viewers about the crab’s journey to mating grounds. On a similar note, he rescues some creatures in perilous situations. But when he does kill and eat an animal, he makes sure not to waste its meat.

When Moss comes across an animal, he’ll often tell the audience some interesting facts about it. He’ll describe details about the creature and its habits as well as whether it is dangerous to humans. It’s evident that he’s fascinated with the creatures he comes across and that he likewise hopes to be a good steward of nature.

According to the channel’s “About” section, “YBS is all about enjoying the ocean, nature and everything above or below by being selective and sustainable.”


Moss will kill, clean and cook fish, crabs and lobsters, so parents will want to make sure their kids are okay seeing that process take place. Catching methods can be as simple as grabbing a lobster with his hands or via more in-depth methods, such as spear fishing.

Moss is almost always shirtless and wearing a swimsuit. Likewise, others who join him wear swimsuits, too, and the women’s bikinis are often quite revealing. In another video, Moss interacts with a group of people who don’t wear much clothing, though any accidental nudity is blurred. Elsewhere, a brief animated section explains how lobsters sexually reproduce.

Moss occasionally uses profanity such as the s-word, “p-ss,” “h—” and the British/Australian word “bloody.” God’s name is occasionally used in vain.


YBS Youngbloods may attract many viewers with videos full of fishing, swimming and fun, all mixed together with a bit of education about the local wildlife. But some light swearing and revealing swimwear unfortunately keep the channel from being appropriate for younger audiences.

Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”

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