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Kristin Smith

YouTube Channel Review

Michael Stevens started his YouTutbe channel, Vsauce, with a desire to review video games and similar content. And yet, over time, he realized that his most popular videos weren’t those with a comedic bent, but those that dealt with educational concepts.

Now, instead of reviewing video games, Stevens focuses on education and inquiry. Each of his videos (which come in varying lengths) begins by asking a question and searching for an answer.

Viewers are taken on a brain journey as they learn about all sorts of things, including science, psychology, philosphy and math. He broadly lumps his videos into many categories such as: Mind Field, Space, Human Behavior and Earth.

And while most of them are relatively clean, some videos contain issues that parents should be aware of.

Positive Content

Vocabulary and knowledge are expanded as each video includes a plethora of educational content. Stevens dives deep into the scientific concepts behind everyday matters, such as kindness, human attachment, brain patterns and more.

Stevens also encourages viewers to learn by research and reading.

Content Concerns

Science is the main topic in many of these videos, and some concepts might be too mature for younger audiences. In one video, Stevens breaks down how many holes we have in our human body, including anatomical orifices (this is just discussed, and no images are used).

The cover photos of a few videos includes a woman in a bikini and a few animated women in bikinis. Stevens talks about kissing in one video, which naturally includes many still-images and video shots of couples engaged in the topic.

A video discusses cannibalism and shows clips of those who have canned their own body fat and turned it into meatballs for human consumption. An image shows a man’s head in meat packaging. One video talks about thought identification as the scientific counterpart to mind reading. A video titled “Spooky Coincidences” discusses our fascination with conspiracy theories and presidents who have been assassinated.

Stevens says “bullshoot” and “WTF” is the title of a video. The word “h—” can be seen in text.

Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith joined the Plugged In team in 2017. Formerly a Spanish and English teacher, Kristin loves reading literature and eating authentic Mexican tacos. She and her husband, Eddy, love raising their children Judah and Selah. Kristin also has a deep affection for coffee, music, her dog (Cali) and cat (Aslan).

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