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Melissa Dougherty

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Kennedy Unthank

YouTube Channel Review

Perhaps one of the strangest ideas in vogue today is that of “living my truth.”

While the sentiment is meant to encourage people to be themselves, thinking about it logically will leave you feeling a bit confused. Specifically, “my truth” implies that truth can be subjective. But if truth is subjective, then it isn’t really true; at least, not an any truly important way. Instead, we should all hold fast to objective truth—something Melissa Dougherty on her homonymous YouTube channel strives to help others do.

When Dougherty was younger, though she embraced Christianity (through a friend’s evangelism at a party), her faith was syncretized with the New Age movement—an occult philosophy that focuses on metaphysical enlightenment and manifestation, such as the law of attraction. She gravitated toward these beliefs because, when she had hard questions about faith, the only people willing to provide answers came from the New Age perspective.

“It was the lack of this evidence of these hard discussions that led me to embrace the New Age/New Thought teachings that I had grown up with,” Dougherty explained in a testimony video.

But when Dougherty heard some concerning theology espoused by some Jehovah’s Witnesses, she took to the Internet to research their beliefs. And down the rabbit hole she went, discovering answers to the questions she had always had—including answers that not only explained why Jehovah’s Witnesses have an improper hermeneutic, but they also revealed that her New Age beliefs were unbiblical, too.

From her research, Dougherty discovered a love for apologetics and counter-cult ministry. Now, she uses her channel as a way to inform and train believers, helping them to have a good hermeneutic and avoid false theology so that they too may come to love the truth—the actual truth—of who Jesus Christ really is.


Dougherty encourages viewers to study the Bible rather than simply believing what people, even pastors, say. The point of this is not to foster an attitude of rejecting authority, but it is rather to ensure that we stay in line with the Authority of authorities—because if we blindly follow someone who is leading us away from the truth of God, then we are ultimately rejecting the ultimate Authority.

Dougherty also critiques unbiblical beliefs, from Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses to teachings that she believes could do damage to a Christian’s faith. However, even when she talks about the people who profess such beliefs, she does it very graciously, and she often asks her viewers to pray for their reconciliation to the truth.

Ultimately, Dougherty wants her viewers to study apologetics (that is, the reasons for why we believe what we believe) so that they will be able to give thoughtful answers in defense of the faith within them (1 Peter 3:15).  




Books such as Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ and J. Warner Wallace’s Cold Case Christianity help believers realize that the truth of Christianity isn’t lost to history. Furthermore, C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity, R.C. Sproul’s Everyone’s a Theologian and many others show us that the study of theology isn’t limited to a select few. It’s for everyone. And Melissa Dougherty uses her YouTube channel to bring the truth of Christian theology to thousands of viewers, helping to dispel misconceptions and break down faulty thinking. What’s not to appreciate about that?

Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”

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