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Kristin Smith

YouTube Channel Review

Meet the LaBrant family: Dad Cole, Mom Savannah, eldest daughter Everleigh, middle daughter Posie and young son Zealand.

Perhaps you know Cole LaBrant. He reached fame through the old app Vine back in 2013, but he struggled to maintain his following on Vine and when he began to share his faith in God.

Fast forward to 2016. Cole reached out to single-mother Savannah, who was also popular on as she created short videos featuring her and her daughter, Everleigh. The two began collaborating and, long story short, they began dating and shortly thereafter got married and started their YouTube channel called Cole and Sav. Now, the channel has been renamed to The LaBrant Fam as they’ve grown to a family of five. Their videos include many categories, including vlogs, fun-natured pranks, various challenges and other hobbies that the family enjoys.

Positive Content

The members of the LaBrant family are kind, loving, genuine and really very sweet. They occasionally talk about their faith in God and are transparent about the difficulties they’ve faced as a blended family. They also have family game nights, and they go out on dates and outings, and the videos focus mainly on the family having fun together.

Content Concerns

The family talk about how their elementary-aged daughter had a TikTok that was banned (because she was just too young to be on the service). This may concern parents as the platform itself is not always kid-friendly and has its issues (as do all social media platforms).

We hear a few people say “oh my god” and “freaking.” Like all kids, Cole and Savannah’s children can be rude. A few videos share some intimate moments between Cole and Savannah, like kissing and swimming together on their honeymoon as Savannah sports a bikini and Cole goes shirtless.

Channel Summary

The LaBrant Fam is a YouTube channel made up of Cole and Savannah LaBrant and their three children. The videos primarily consist of content aimed at families. But some videos do share mildly intimate moments between husband and wife.

Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith joined the Plugged In team in 2017. Formerly a Spanish and English teacher, Kristin loves reading literature and eating authentic Mexican tacos. She and her husband, Eddy, love raising their children Judah and Selah. Kristin also has a deep affection for coffee, music, her dog (Cali) and cat (Aslan).

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