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The Resident





Kristin Smith

TV Series Review

Your doctor should be someone you trust. Someone you can go to with complete confidence as they slice you open during surgery or stick another needle into your veins. After all, it’s your life on the line.

Unfortunately, carelessness, lack of time and the lure of money cause some medical professionals to lose their touch and their heart. Unconventional senior resident, Conrad Hawkins, knows that this isn’t true of every physician at Chastain Park Memorial Hospital, but it is of some.

“[As doctors] All we want to do is help our patients, but what they don’t teach us in medical school is that there are so many ways to do harm.”

And there’s the dilemma. How do you continue to do good when harm is lurking around the corner? And how do you consistently put your patient first when messy hospital politics always seem to get in the way?

No Two Doctors Are Equal

Chastain Park Memorial Hospital in Atlanta may have its fair share of bad eggs, but it’s also filled with dedicated staff members whose highest concern is the patient—like the brash genius Conrad, or Conrad’s lover and top-of-the-line nurse, Nicolette, or Conrad’s protégé, resident doctor Pravesh. Even Conrad’s fellow colleagues Mina Okafor, Irving Feldman and AJ Austin, while they can’t match Conrad’s surgical prowess, still care deeply for the patients in their care.

But these excellent medical professionals feel as if they’re constantly working against a broken system—whether that’s at home or in the office.

Chastain Park has recently been bought out by Red Rock Mountain Medical, a company determined to bring the hospital up to par, no matter how many caring doctors get the boot. And when the doctors take a breather from saving lives and preventing deaths, they’re engaged in personal battles and sorting out emotions behind closed doors.

Another Medical Drama for the Books

It seems like audiences would get sick of medical dramas at some point, but according to shows like The Good Doctor, New Amsterdam and our current specimen, The Resident, viewers can’t seem to get enough of medical terminology, soapy drama and bloody procedures.

And they get the whole gambit while viewing this Fox original.

The sexual content and language issues don’t reach that of the salacious Grey’s Anatomy, but they’re still present. Main character Conrad Hawkins isn’t quite as snarky as the beloved titular doctor of House, but he has his moments. And the heart of the show, while it does exist, doesn’t always shine as brightly as it could.

Episode Reviews

Sept. 24, 2019: “From the Ashes”

Red Rock Mountain Medical Company takes over the business dealings at Chastain Memorial Hospital. Randolph, Chastain Memorial’s CEO, tries to appease the new doctor expected to bring big money to the hospital. Nurse Nicolette grieves the unexpected death of her sister, Jessie. Conrad rescues a woman and a young boy from an explosion (All three are injured in the blast, and blood covers each person).

A woman lies in her sports bra as doctors try and treat her bloodied body and we see a man shirtless while doctors check him from broken bones. A child suffers from “internal decapitation.” Multiple surgeries reveal bloodied internal organs. A woman suffers from a brain tumor and memory loss. A baby suffers from a respiratory virus. Doctors discuss the health care of a woman who was recently divorced and lost her son.

God’s name is misused once and “h—” is uttered once. A couple flirts with one another and an arrogant man suggests he is able to have sex with any woman he desires.

May 6, 2019: “The Unbefriended”

When doctor Nicolette’s sister begins to suffer from heart failure, she asks her distant father to be a kidney donor. Nicolette and Conrad discuss the details of their romantic relationship. Dr. Bell must decide if he will sell the hospital to a larger medical organization to prevent bankruptcy. Dr. Mina Okafor struggles to get over her ex-boyfriend.

Patients undergo difficult surgeries that aren’t always successful. We see a severed artery, open wounds, innards and blood during surgeries. A patient dies unexpectedly. A patient is treated for a broken arm and bleeding in his brain.

An anesthesiologist provides drugs, illegally, to an aggressive addict. A doctor passes out in the operating room after overdosing from an unknown substance. An elderly man consumes beer and says he used to smoke cigarettes.

A daughter struggles to forgive her father. Couples kiss. The word “h—” is used three times.

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Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith joined the Plugged In team in 2017. Formerly a Spanish and English teacher, Kristin loves reading literature and eating authentic Mexican tacos. She and her husband, Eddy, love raising their children Judah and Selah. Kristin also has a deep affection for coffee, music, her dog (Cali) and cat (Aslan).

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