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Pinecone & Pony

Pinecone and Pony





Kennedy Unthank

TV Series Review

Pinecone thinks she’s the toughest, most grown-up warrior there is. There isn’t anything that she, with the help of her humble steed (aptly named Pony) and her warrior training, cannot conquer.

But when it comes to the root of it, Pinecone’s not all there yet. She’s not grown up, for one thing. In fact, she’s just a little girl. And as it turns out, pure confidence and passion aren’t quite enough to ensure victory in every circumstance. Sometimes, those character traits will even get her in a couple avoidable sticky situations.

And as Pinecone jousts her way out of these messes, she’ll learn a thing or two about what it truly means to be a warrior.

Growth Turns the Pinecone into the Pine Tree

Pinecone is a warrior. She’s definitely got the skills to be one of the best. She wants to be that “super tough grown-up warrior” that she sees herself in her fantasies, and with time, she’ll be just that. But the real problem about wanting to be a grown-up warrior is, well, she has to grow up. And that’s going to require learning a few lessons along the way.

Oh, but learning is just so boring. Pinecone would much rather expedite the process by just slaying the literal dragon now over conquering the metaphorical one later. But with every step of foolhardy confidence, Pinecone will learn that sometimes, her way isn’t the best way. Sometimes, simply being tough isn’t going to be enough to endure the battle.

Fortunately for her, she’s got plenty of forgiving friends who will back her up on her way to magnificent fame and glory. She’s got Pony, her humbly adorable steed whose favorite lance is flatulence. There’s also Hawthorn, her wizard friend who reminds her that her brain is another muscle she can flex in combat. She’s also got her parents and mentors who’ll always support her and provide guidance along her hero’s journey.

And she’ll need it too, because the world can be a dangerous place. Pinecone will have to avoid magical spells, make temperamental potions and encounter monsters, beasts and ghosts (all of which viewers, of course, will have to face, too—along with Pony’s gassy issues). She’ll also have to combat her own faulty assumptions of what the warrior archetype has to be—and it’s that final challenge that’ll truly help her conquer this coming-of-age adventure.

Episode Reviews

April 8, 2022—S1, Ep1: “The Pwettiest Pony/Try This Club on for Size”

In “The Pwettiest Pony,” when Pony wants to join the “Pwettiest Pony Show,” Pinecone must overcome her fear of looking cute to support her horse.

Pony flatulates and rolls around in mud, accidentally covering Pinecone in mud, too. Greymoon, a wizard, uses magical spells.

In “Try This Club on for Size,” Pinecone’s “Wizkid” friend Hawthorn invites her to try brewing magical potions in a cauldron instead of generating lactic acid in her biceps. But Pinecone’s warrior spirit gets the best of her.

Pinecone and Hawthorn are taught how to mix ingredients to form a rainbow, but Pinecone accidentally makes a massive storm. Pony flatulates and shakes his rear. Greymoon kisses his wizard staff after he stops a chaotic potion. A character says “butt.”

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Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”

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