Apple Cider Vinegar
Belle Gibson, like a great snake oil salesman, said that healthy eating could cure cancer. Clearly she was lying. But she may also have been deluded.
Rand Gauthier is going to get his money back, one way or another.
Rand was hired as a contractor to construct rocker Tommy Lee and actress Pamela Anderson’s “Love Pad 2000.” The only problem is that Tommy keeps changing his mind on his vision for it, causing its pricetag to rise higher and higher.
But money is no object to Tommy, so Rand only needs to deal with the frustration of restarting the project over and over again. When Rand goes to find Tommy in order to get the money, however, he instead accidentally walks in on a half-dressed Pamela, causing Tommy to fire him without payment. Enraged, Rand calms himself by believing that karma will take care of it.
Except, karma takes too long, and Rand has nothing left to lose. So Rand breaks into Tommy’s house and steals a safe full of guns, money … and an unlabeled video tape containing the private sexual escapades of Pam and Tommy.
That’s when Rand hatches a plan: He’ll reproduce the tape and use this new World Wide Web thing to anonymously sell the copies all around the world. It isn’t long until the world catches wind of this illicit material—including Pam and Tommy, who are now desperately searching for the man who is profiting off of publicly humiliating them.
Who’s karma going to side with now?
Pam & Tommy recounts the events before, during and after the release of Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee and Baywatch star Pamela Anderson’s sex tape. Hulu’s retelling alleges that Rand Gauthier took the tape accidentally when he stole Tommy’s massive safe when trying to compensate himself for not being paid for his contracting work in Tommy and Pam’s house. Upon discovering the contents of the tape, he sells it for profit to spite Tommy.
And to some extent, Rand is successful. Sales of the tape take off, and it becomes a bigger scandal than even he imagined it would be. But his attempt to embarrass Tommy wasn’t as successful as he had hoped, as many praised Tommy as some sort of “sex god.”
The real damage Rand inflicted was on Pamela Anderson, who was given the opposite treatment of Tommy. And we cannot help but feel icky watching a show about a non-consensual release of a sex tape … especially because the show was made without the permission or approval of the real-life Anderson.
For a good chunk of time, the show seems to have more pornography than plot, as if the story itself were a fringe element. Instead, viewers are treated to lots of sex scenes that go so far as to show everything except female genitalia, nightclub dance montage after nightclub dance montage and even a weird scene where Tommy has a debate about marriage with his genitals—all on camera.
All in all, the show is saturated in sex and nudity. It attempts to redeem Pam from the treatment she received after the tape was released, but it capitalizes on the frequent intimate moments between Pam and Tommy to do so. We are left wondering how much of the show is meant to redeem her and how much is to exploit her for its own profits—just as the original tape did.
For those who desire to cleanse themselves “from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God” (2 Corinthians 7:1), you may want to skip this one.
When Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee refuses to pay contractor Rand Gauthier for his work, Rand devises a plan to steal Tommy’s things to earn his money back.
As should be expected considering the context of the plot, the episode contains so much sensual content that even the entire Corinthian church would likely blush. The episode opens with Pamela Anderson being interviewed about her sex tape by Jay Leno. Jay Leno comments that most people watching it are men. On three occasions, we hear Pam and Tommy having sex with loud moaning and multiple swear words thrown out while contractors listen. Tommy and Pam wear very revealing outfits, exposing critical areas to the camera. Additionally, Pam and Tommy are seen sleeping, and Tommy’s buttocks are fully visible. Pam kisses Tommy while they drive.
Rand plays a Hi-8 tape, and we hear Pam and Tommy moaning. Twice, we watch Rand masturbate to pornography. We do not see his private parts, but we do see the naked women’s breasts and buttocks in the video he is watching. Additionally, Rand watches a pornographic film being created, and we see the woman’s breasts and sensual movements. Multiple other women are seen topless as well. Nine Inch Nails’ song “Closer” plays in the background and makes explicit references to sex and relating it to God. We hear references to pubic hair, genitals and other sexual references.
Tommy brandishes a revolver, an AK-47 and a shotgun. He points the revolver at Rand as a “joke,” and he later threatens Rand with the shotgun, causing Rand to wet himself. Later, Rand breaks into Tommy’s house, steals Tommy’s guns and poses with them while drinking alcohol. He sells the guns to a pawn shop, and he uses the money to pay off bills and purchase more alcohol. He and Lonnie drink in a bar together on multiple occasions. We see multiple uses of cigarettes.
In a flashback, Rand’s father takes him to another woman’s house. It is implied his father is having an affair, and his father calls Rand a “worthless piece of s—,” causing Rand to wet himself onscreen.
Rand roots through multiple mystical books on religion including a book on the occult and another on masonic rituals. Rand references karma. He also references the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, two Sanskrit epics important in the theology of Hinduism. Rand explains that he studies religion “because it’s beautiful.” Primal Scream’s “Movin’ On Up” plays in the background at one point, referencing religion and the Christian hymn “Amazing Grace.”
Characters reveal their extensive vocabulary, as a whopping 77 uses of the f-word are used in the first episode, four of which are preceded by “mother.” In addition, the s-word is used 24 times verbally and is seen written three times. Two of the s-words are preceded by “bull.” “A–,” “B–ch” and “d–n” are also used on multiple occasions. Multiple profane words describing male and female genitalia are used throughout the episode. Rand displays his middle finger once.
God’s name is misused five times.
In a flashback, we watch the story of how Pam and Tommy originally met and married in only four days.
The episode depicts Pam and Tommy both nude at a number of junctures, with most everything on display at one time or another (the sole exception being female genitals). They have sex multiple times on screen. In a long scene, Tommy has a debate with his own genitals about marriage, and the camera makes no attempt at hiding anything. We also see both wear swimsuits and underwear.
Zakk, another member of Tommy’s band Mötley Crüe, ponders what it would be like to sleep with Pam. Women dance sensually in revealing outfits in a nightclub. In another nightclub scene, Tommy shatters a shot glass, and we see a montage of drinking, kissing and dancing to La Bouche’s “Be My Lover.”
Pam drinks with her female friends at a nightclub. Tommy licks Pam’s cheek, and Pam licks the cheek of a friend. Two of her female friends kiss. Pam buys shots for the whole nightclub. We see Tommy and other band members drinking and smoking, and Tommy and Pam share beers together as well. In one scene, Pam’s nipples can be seen through her shirt.
One band member gives Tommy ecstasy tablets, and he and Pam both take one. They strip for one another, and we see everything except Pam’s genitals. The next morning, Pam says she doesn’t want to take the ecstasy because she’s “a good Christian girl.” In response, Tommy pretends to bless the tablet as a communion wafer, saying that it is “the body of Christ,” and she takes it.
Pam and Tommy make references to transcendental meditation, and Rand explains to Tommy that his tattoo isn’t actually a pentagram but a pentacle. Rand then explains about the Hebrew origins of the pentacle.
Tommy often makes crude jokes and references, including references to ejaculation, condoms, sex and erections. In addition, though Pam repeatedly makes it clear that she doesn’t want Tommy to follow her to Cancún, he does anyway by stalking her, all while leaving her sexual voicemails, perpetuating the idea that men can force women to like them if they remain creepily persistent.
There are 54 uses of the f-word, one of which is preceded by “mother.” We also hear nine uses of the s-word and two uses of “h—.” “A–” is used multiple times, and we hear various explicit language referring to female genitalia.
God’s name is misused 23 times. Jesus’ name is misused twice, and one of these times is when pretending to take communion with an ecstasy tablet.
As Rand and pornography director Miltie figure out how to illicitly distribute Pam and Tommy’s sex tape, Pam and Tommy deal with work woes and attempt to get pregnant.
On the Hi-8 tape, critical bits of Tommy’s and Pam’s anatomy are visible. In the present, Pam practices her monologue about the dangers of drugs for Baywatch. We see Pam’s breasts as she prepares for the day, and we frequently can see her nipples through her shirt. Pam is filmed running in her swimsuit for her scene in Baywatch. Pam and Tommy drink wine during dinner.
Rand reconnects briefly with his ex-wife Erica, who is a porn star. Rand watches Erica’s adult films while smoking, and we see movements and hearing moaning from Erica. In a flashback, Rand smokes, and he and Erica drink beers. He also watches her film a sex scene, and viewers are exposed to lewd images and references. Rand and Erica also star in their own explicit movie—which obviously depicts a sexual act and features sexual references.
A film name references explicit sexual acts.
Many posters and paintings in the background reference explicit body parts or sexual acts, as does the name of a film. Rand makes a reference to masturbation. Erica’s roommate is bisexual, and there is a reference that Erica may be closer than a friend with her.
Rand punches a hole in his wall. Rand and Miltie visit a loan shark with ties to the mafia. We see a montage of Rand and Miltie mass producing the sex tape and creating a website for it. “Rowdy at the Party” by LSD plays in the background of one scene.
Rand prays prayers of thanks to a Hindu god that he “was given” the sex tape, and he uses a feather to waft vapors over the tape. Pam and Tommy pray to Hindu fertility gods.
In a record low for the show so far, we hear 23 uses of the f-word. We also hear 14 uses of the s-word, and we hear one instance of the n-word in a background song. “D–n” and “a–” are also used, as are crude names for male genitalia. A woman displays her middle finger to Rand.
God’s name is misused 19 times, and Jesus’ name is misused once.
Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”
Belle Gibson, like a great snake oil salesman, said that healthy eating could cure cancer. Clearly she was lying. But she may also have been deluded.
This animated Amazon Prime series is part superhero flick, part coming-of-age story and more than part problematic.
In CBS’ Poppa’s House, divorcee Poppa works with a new cohost to boost his radio show. Meanwhile, his adult son Damon balances his dreams and duties.
‘Watson’ provides a new spin on the classic Sherlock Holmes stories, but it likely won’t enthuse any diehard Arthur Conan Doyle fans.
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