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Emily Tsiao

TV Series Review

In 2009, The Vampire Diaries launched its eight-season run. In 2013, its first spinoff was born. But in 2018, that spinoff (The Originals) said goodbye as a new generation took over—Legacies.

And the show certainly carries on the legacy of its predecessors. Only this time, it’s with the children of those vampires and werewolves and witches who viewers came to know.

Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted

So where exactly does one place the supernatural descendants of what we would traditionally call monsters? The Salvatore Boarding School, of course—a home especially for fanged family members.

Alaric Saltzman (who first appeared in The Vampire Diaries) is the human headmaster here, and he’s got some rules (such as no feeding on humans and only defensive magic). But mostly, he takes on a Professor X-type role, providing a safe place for these mystical youngsters as they learn how to control their powers. But he’s got his work cut out for him.

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

The locals think the school is just a place for troubled rich kids, and they aren’t wrong. Like many a CW drama, the teens at the Salvatore school push the limits of what many would consider “acceptable” behavior with sex, partying, underage drinking and even self-harm.

But even more than that, these kids are struggling with the legacies that they bear—and, like its forebears, that comes with some seriously spiritual directions. Take Hope Mikaelson, for example. She’s the tri-brid daughter of a werewolf and vampire who has a powerful witch for a grandmother. Many consider her family to be evil (and admittedly, they do eat the occasional townsperson), but to her, it’s just … family. Then there’s Josie and Lizzie Saltzman (Alaric’s twin witch daughters). They’ve been burdened with a family curse that will force one of them to kill the other the day they turn 22.

To say that the students of the Salvatore School have a lot on their plates is certainly an understatement. And when it comes to making the choice between right and wrong, Legacies seems to lean more towards the latter.

Episode Reviews

Oct. 10, 2019: “I’ll Never Give Up Hope”

After sacrificing herself to close the door to the evil, demon-filled land of Malivore, Hope tries to escape the hell dimension with the help of her enemy, Clarke.

Hope and other witches perform spells that delve into the occult with the use of blood and fiery pentagrams. In Malivore, Hope and Clarke are confronted by dragons, gargoyles and other demonic-looking creatures. A bus crashes when an ogre-like monster flips it over.

A teenage boy ties a cinderblock to his waste, jumps into a lake and dies. However, because he is a phoenix, he is quickly resurrected. He does this several times and reveals to his friend that the reason he keeps killing himself is because every time he dies, he has mysterious visions that he wants to solve.

Teenage girls wear crop tops, low-cut shirts and short skirts. A couple makes out. A girl brags about being around good-looking guys but later reveals she has actually been visiting shrinks, doctors and healers.

Someone mentions how the smoke changes color when electing the Pope. While cooking meat, a guy talks about how he killed the animal. Two vampires drink animal blood from glasses. “A–,” “h—” and “d–k” are all heard, as well as three misuses of God’s name.

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Emily Tsiao

Emily studied film and writing when she was in college. And when she isn’t being way too competitive while playing board games, she enjoys food, sleep, and geeking out with her husband indulging in their “nerdoms,” which is the collective fan cultures of everything they love, such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate and Lord of the Rings.

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