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Fright Krewe

Fright Krewe season 1





Kristin Smith

TV Series Review

Welcome to New Orleans, the most haunted city in America. 

Here, teenage Soleil Le Claire works as a spooky tour guide, giving tourists a taste of her hometown of New Orleans and the most terrifying areas there: the 13th and 3rd wards. 

Ghosts, goblins, ghouls and Voodoo dolls may scare or repel some, but Soleil is fascinated by all things dark and magical. Her own mother swears that Soleil is related to Marie Laveau, the Voodoo queen. 

Whether that’s true or not, Soleil would much rather spend her time learning about the mysteries locked within the spirit realm and leading her spooky tours than participating on the cheer team or playing a sport. And she gets a chance to take her interest one step deeper when she and a group of fellow students are given detention and, as their sentence, are asked to clean the local graveyards. 

Soleil is thrilled about the assignment. The people on graveyard-cleaning duty with her? Not so much. She likes the new kid, Pat, who’s into all the same things as her. And she’s okay with Maybe, a timid classmate who Soleil’s been aware of since kindergarten. And even popular guy Stanley is all right. 

But Missy is the worst. 

See, Soleil and Missy used to be best friends. But that was forever ago. And now Missy cheers and Soleil busies herself with her own personal fascinations. 

The two could not be more different. But their differences will have to be cast aside for a greater purpose. 

What is this greater purpose, you might ask?  

Well, fighting to save the world from an evil spirit. 

The same spirit that came to life after Soleil cut her hand and accidentally dripped her blood onto some old magical tree that soaked it up and used it to awaken an ancient demon named Belial. And Belial feeds on fear. 

Mere mortals don’t stand a chance against Belial. But Soleil and her friends received powers from former Voodoo queen Marie Laveau after the accident, and now Soleil and her crew must work together to stop this evil that is bent on destroying the world. 

They’ll just have to get along to do so. 

Creep Central

Fright Krewe, streaming on Hulu and Peacock, might be rated TV-PG, but it’s not holding anything back when it comes to the spirit realm. From the first episode, viewers learn about the Voodoo religion and a plethora of demonic elements that lay the foundation for this series. Let’s discuss them a bit. 

First, we hear a ton of references to ghosts, goblins, ghouls, vampires and Voodoo dolls. The main character, Soleil, comes from the same bloodline as a Voodoo queen, and her new friend, Pat, has an aunt that refers to herself as a Voodoo priestess. Pat also likes to talk about his witchy religion a lot. And when he sees ghosts, he often bows in reverence to them. 

On top of that, there are a lot of frightening visuals here. Demons, bloodied bodies and skeletons are just a few things you’ll see in the first episode, not to mention various spirits and ghosts that impart unknown powers into Soleil and her friends. 

Oh, and the teens can be downright mean and vindictive and use some unkind speech when talking about one another. 

This isn’t a family friendly show. And it’s certainly not a show for children, although it’s marketed as such. I view it more as a cautionary tale to remind people that the demonic is real and that it’s not just some “cute” animated kids’ show, no matter how bad the producers may want you to believe that it is.

Episode Reviews

Oct. 2, 2023–S1, Ep1: “The Blood Awakening Part 1”

A group of teenagers–Soleil, Maybe, Stanley, Missy and Pat–are forced to clean up a haunted cemetery for detention. Soleil and her pals receive magical powers from a famous ghost and are tasked with fighting an evil demon that’s been unleashed on their small town in New Orleans.

Soleil, her friends and other adults frequently talk about and experience aspects of demonic powers, evil spirits, Voodoo and dark magic. A group of people celebrate the dead during a festival. Soleil tells her group of tourists that their town square was once a public execution ground and, if you listen carefully, you can still hear the screams of the dead.

Soleil tells a young child that a werewolf-type creature that lives in New Orleans feasts on the bones of wayward children. She also tells her listeners that the dead can drag a person to the underworld.

A teen steals a piece of Soleil’s project, blood bags, and the teens get into a “blood fight,” throwing bags of blood around the classroom. New kid Pat explains to his class that Voodoo is an official religion and that you honor the gods of the religion with offerings. Later, Pat bows in reverence to the spirit of the Voodoo queen. Pat tells his friends that his aunt is a Voodoo priestess.

Soleil gets a cut on her hand and her blood drips onto a tree referred to as the Tree of Life, which is growing inside of a haunted building. The roots absorb the blood, which awakens a demon from his hellish prison. Soleil and her friends obtain powers from a group of spirits that touch their heads to impart power. A young man is transported to the spirit realm against his wishes.

Soleil and her friends use words/phrases like “what the heck,” “stupid” and “freaking.” One girl wears a short skirt and an elderly woman wears a cleavage-baring top.

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Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith joined the Plugged In team in 2017. Formerly a Spanish and English teacher, Kristin loves reading literature and eating authentic Mexican tacos. She and her husband, Eddy, love raising their children Judah and Selah. Kristin also has a deep affection for coffee, music, her dog (Cali) and cat (Aslan).

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