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Dew Drop Diaries

Dew Drop Diaries season 1





Sarah Rasmussen

TV Series Review

Have you ever lost something and wished it would magically reappear? If the Dew Drop fairies were in your life, that dream could become reality.

Eden Lily, Athena Sage and Phoebe Rose work hard to return missing items to families, and they each have special powers to contribute to that clandestine mission. Eden can talk to animals; Athena exercises super strength; and Phoebe invents useful devices and has magical music powers. Whether the team is relocating a girl’s lost soccer cleats or helping someone who lost her marbles (literally), Eden, Athena and Phoebe always get the job done. Even when their missions seem impossible, the team lives by the mantra, “Dew Drops never give up.”

So Fairy Grateful?

Eden, Athena and Phoebe are great at their jobs, but they’re also great friends. The fairies remind one another that it’s OK to mess up and that friends will never abandon each other.

Families will be “fairy grateful” (a phrase we hear in the show) that Dew Drop Diaries contains minimal content issues. That said, a handful of concerns are worth noting.

Obviously, the story here involves magic, albeit a very benign, fairy-tale variety. Fairies often run from large objects or fall from high heights; but these moments aren’t scary, and the fairies quickly recover. Finally, sometimes Athena, Phoebe and Eden themselves are the reason children have lost their belongings.

Aside from these minor concerns, Netflix’s sparkle-filled Dew Drop Diaries offers young children entertaining stories with sweet messages, too.  

Episode Reviews

Jul. 24, 2023 – S1, Ep1: “The Cleat Without Feet”

The Dew Drop fairies return missing cleats to Harper before her fist soccer game as goalie, and Phoebe learns lessons about friendship in the process.

The episode begins with Eden running from a human-sized ball. She narrowly evades it hitting her, and she also falls from a toy truck (a big fall for her). Eden implies that faulty fairy dust is to blame for her fall. A bird falls from the sky, but after a moment of disorientation, he tells the fairies he’s unharmed.

Jul. 24, 2023 – S1, Ep2: “Real Magic”

Impressed by Dylan’s magic show rehearsal, the Dew Drop fairies inspect his magic top hat. But when Athena gets trapped inside, the fairies must work together to make the hat ready for the show.

Dylan’s magic show employs magic tricks (not “real” magic) based on sleight of hand. His routine includes a wand and the word “abracadabra.” We also see that Dylan owns a crystal ball.

One of the fairies uses the phrase “fairy dust” as a frustrated interjection that feels like a stand in for something more harsh. Athena falls while balancing on Dylan’s magic wand. When his little sister comes into his room, Dylan meanly says that he wants her to disappear.

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Sarah Rasmussen

Sarah Rasmussen is the Plugged In intern for Summer 2023.

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